Appearance: The appearance includes clothing, physical attributes, and anything else you can come up with.
Personality: Here you should list the way your character acts and what they feel. What type of magic they prefer if any. If you want your character to have any special mind abilities (like the power to feel other's emotions) they go here as well. The only rules about mind abilities are no mind reading, no PK on people(moving objects with the mind), and if a person doesn't want you to use your mind ability on them, you may not.
History: Your character's backround.
Weapon: If you don't want a weapon, that's fine. The only rules for weapons are that you may only use one at a time. When RPing, you may only change your weapon once per post. If you do, you may not attack also.
Additional Info: Anything you wish to add to your character that doesn't have to do with these subjects put here.
Almighty Words · Thu May 05, 2005 @ 01:00am · 0 Comments |