Gah, seriously, what is the point of this?
Can't play cards because I get an error saying it can't authenticate.
Can't play jigsaw puzzle because it crashes.
I don't even know what's up with word bump, that game you can't seem to win or lose. Eventually you just run out of letters.
Fishing crashes.
Walking around in the towns crashes.
And what's this "You can't vote fairly?" stuff I get when I make a vote on art or avatars or homes. I can pretty quickly determine whether something is crap or not by looking at it.
There are only a few quests, why aren't there more?
This is probably the shoddiest website I've ever seen. I understand the concept, and I realize that there needs to be a lot of server space, but seriously, don't attempt something you can't manage. I'd rather have something smaller that worked all the time than a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't work at all.
Avalon Pendragon · Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 10:39pm · 0 Comments |