The sun was shining as bright as ever as Sora was walking toward Riku’s house, to meet up with him since they had school, he knocked on the door.”I`m coming.” Riku called as he opened the door to see his friend in the same uniform he had but was in a small, he saw his friends face.” The uniform`s are that bad.” Riku said.”Oh, no you are becoming old!!!!” Sora yelled as Riku popped him on the head.” Shut up!” Riku said.”Aren`t we supposed to meet up with Kairi?” Sora asked rubbing his sore head as they walked up the hill toward the school, they manage to be in the same class for some reason, maybe because of Roxas`s smartness.” No, she said that, she’ll see us in class.” Riku said as he pulled up his bag, When they heard someone crying as the two boys stopped in their tracks and saw a little pink head girl crying.” Just leave it man.” Riku not wanting to get into it.”Aw, come on, we should see what’s up.” Sora walk/run up to the crying kid.” Are you ok?” Sora asked as Riku looked bored with his arms crossed.” Come on were going to be late.” he said.”M-My c-cat is stuwk up twhere.” the little girl pointed to her black cat which was stuck up in the tree.”Oh, no problem.” Sora said as he climbed the tree like a monkey.”Hey, Sora you want a banana!?” Riku chuckled.” Shut up!” Sora yelled from a distance as he picked up the cat and climbed back down the cat seemed to know him as he licked his face as he laughed and jumped down with the cat in his arms.” Here you go.” Sora said as he gave the cat to the girl and smiled.” Show off.” Riku mumbled.”Thawnk, you, for saving, Bailey.” she said.”Huh? What did you say?” Riku and Sora asked.”Whawt you guys can`t understand enlwigsh, would you want me to speak Japanese?” she asked.”No,no we understood what you said, but are you sure his name is Bailey?” Sora asked as he jumped back.”Um yewa.” She said trying to hold her cat as it was trying to get to Riku.”Man, isn’t wired, she has the same wired looking cat as Hikari.” Riku said crossing his arms as the cat jumped up on him and started to fight with him.”Meowwwww!” he snarled.”Oh, damn cat!” Riku cursed.”Riku, not in front of the child.” Sora said as he and the girl tried to get him off Riku as he took it off.”Bad boy.” the girl said as she looked at them.”Sowyy.” she said.”Hmp, it’s ok!” Riku said fixing his messed up hair, meanwhile Sora was laughing.” And how did you know my name was Hikari?” she asked.”You`re name is Hikari?!” Sora stopped. She nodded.”Hikari, come here and get ready to go to school.” a older teen yelled.” I gotta go you guys I guess I’ll swee you later.” she ran off toward the older teen who looked older than Riku,”Byeeee!” she yelled.
Roxas In Twilight Town · Thu Aug 30, 2007 @ 12:04am · 0 Comments |