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Amaya's Days
Zoden and i are now going out and i got new shoes and a new skirt for my gaia today! Yay for all clothings that are black! I was going to call james today with my best friend Ashley and say "Bet Your Noodle Pudding" I would say this because yesterday Phil in science was talking about noodle pudding... I made a joke and ashley thinks it is hilarious it goes what did the chicken say when he crossed the road? Bwhahaha (like and evil laugh) Idk...ashley is weird! Noodle Pudding xd

[b:46ab2970a3]"Ooh. I believe in pain by whatever name you wish to disguise it under. So, yesss!! I DO believe in love!!"[/b:46ab2970a3]

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lovely potts
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 02, 2007 @ 09:23pm
u r very creepy
smile biggrin biggrin biggrin pirate

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