wow, i cant believe i escaped that horrible ordeal with only my left leg, thumb and first ,and fourth fingers. now i think that i will play with some play dough! do de do do do de do do do de duty duty do, oh noo! i seem to have dropped my play dough in the dirt! i'll just have to pick out the little dirt this takes a de do do do de do do do de do. finally i got all of them! oh wait theres one.and another....and another.....and holy crap another! theres like a whole calamity of specks and such! not again! i think that this play dough is screwed.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! the play dough is alive! and it is ful of specks D< it is filthy! i would give it a bath if i didnt want to make it all pooy! well i guess i had better raise it to be a nice bloby.
how rude! i think i will slap the bloby in the what i think is its face!
*bloby eats me*
well, how rude. those evil specks made a crazy monster out of my play dough!
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