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My So Called Life... This my suckie daily life! Read with CAUTION!!!!!!

Mistress of Blood
Community Member
I am Pisces
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March 21-April 19
Sign Characteristics: masculine, positive, fire, cardinal
Ruling Planet:Mars
General Traits:Considered the first sign of the zodiac by the ancient Chaldeans. Every year started with the first new moon of Aries, between March and April. Sacrifice of a lamb to the gods from those times was a tradition introduced in Western practices by the Jewish. It is represented by the Ram (male sheep), as the maximum expression of life strength. The true symbol is not the sacrifice lamb, but the ram rushing forcefully forward to attain its objectives with courage. It is a fire sign of a unique energy and enthusiasm, pushing forward. Aries subjects are extremely passionate, impulsive and resolved, on rare ocassions do they evaluate the facts before acting. They will never disguise their feelings; they are generous, brave and selfless. They live accelerated, ready to be triggered off at any moment. Arians love travelling and welcome new challenges. They are always defensive, direct and rather tactless. They will not be capable of convincing others if they are not fully persuaded themselves.
Love:They will not accept deceitful attitudes in love; they are frank and conflict prone. Their sex drives push them forward without turning back or looking behind. They are sensual and display a pleasant personality that captivates and convinces other people.
Social and Family Life:With their strength and instinct, they can cope with any difficulty. Being affable and adapting to their millieu is very difficult for Arians, who will control or attempt to dominate wherever possible. They have friends or foes, love or hate, want everything or nothing. The Ram has a defiant attitude, uses pompous language, full of adjectives, and an imperative style.

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April 20- May 20
Sign Characteristics:Earth, fixed
Ruling Planet:Venus
General Traits:Taurus is symbolized by a bull. The peoples from Mesopotamia represent it as the return to the earth. The origins of this sign date back to the forth millennium before Christ. As an earth sign, his both feet are on the ground. The Bull is self-centered; he will never be influenced by others. Most of the time he is shy, reserved, and strong-willed. They will never leave anything to luck. Taureans think beforehand. They may be a bit slow at reasoning, though they do it deeply. Extremely obstinate, sometimes they may lose their spontaneous attitude pursuing fixed ideas too difficult to change. He must be surrounded by all that represents some sort of security and protection.
Love:They hate loneliness and are possessive with their beloved. Taurus is extremely sensual and faithful to his beloved. Natives of this sign make every effort to feel unaffected by emotional deceptions. The passage of Venus for this sign strengthens sexual urges and fertility.
Social and Family Life:On many occasions, they may feel frustrated and will build a wall between them and other people, only to be broken down with affection. They make overprotecting and patient parents.

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May 21-June 21
Sign Characteristics: Masculine, positive, air, mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury
General Traits:In Greek mythology, the sign was represented by Zeus twins, Castor and Pollux, characterized by dual nature. According to Plato, both Hercules columns may probably have been reflected in this sign symbol and hieroglyphic. Romans represented it by Romulas and Remus, brothers of contradictory personalities. It was considered the sign of double fertility.
They have a natural gift for communications, being clever and sociable. Geminians are quick-witted to stand out in a confrontation with their eventual enemies. They know a bit of everything. Gemini?s spirit is adventurous and self-deceiving. This sign is represented by a pair of twins partly symbolizing an individual?s dual nature.
Love:They are sensitive, warm-hearted, extremely romantic and charming. Of a contradictory nature, they may be easily irritated and they may calm down in minutes. No other sign in the zodiac is as heart-breaking as Gemini, who may be destroyed if they are emotionally deceived. Female Geminians are lively and restless; men like them for being softly firm and broad-minded. The Twins wear elegant and original clothes. Men demand full surrender by his beloved; women feel happy with Geminians, who are no longer concerned about the qualities they looked for when their relationship started. As time goes by he realizes that she was not up to his expectations and breaks up abruptly. He will start a new relationship immediately.
Social and Family Life:
They love sharing time with their friends; and have a high team spirit. Geminians show themselves as they really are, do not hide their ideas, even though their dual nature is present in everything they do.
StarStone:Moss Agate

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June 22-July 22
Sign Characteristics: Feminine, negative, water, cardinal
Ruling Planet:The Moon
General Traits:In Greek mythology, the Crab was put in the heavens by Zeus, as a reward for his ability to stop a nymph chased by Zeus with its claws. The ancients thought that the sun walked backwards like a crab when it crossed the first degree of Cancer. This phenomenom is explained because it is there when it has its most deflected angle. Emotional and sentimental, in swings of mood, the natives of this sign are subjected to emotional shifts which, on many occasions, is in detriment of their health. Cancerians are candid, they achieve their goals, take the lead and strive to attain a good life style. It is the sign of sensitivity. They are so afraid of ridicule that they rarely reveal their talents to others. They are easily offended.
Love:They love affectionately and will not accept unloyalty. Male Cancerians are extremely possessive with their lovers. Women are fascinated by men who master historical topics, and are extremely vindictive if harmed. There is nothing more annoying for them than criticism or ridicule.
Social and Family Life:Cancerians are affable and kind; they deeply enjoy playing the courteous gentleman role. They make excellent parents, their relationships with their children being open and frank. Cancer children are typically unwilling to show their feelings towards their parents, are much affected by the opinion other people may have about them.

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July 23-August 22
Sign Characteristics:Masculine, positive, fire, fixed
Ruling Planet:The Sun
General Traits:In Greek mythology, it was represented as a lion pulling the chariot of Cybeles, Goddess of Nature, who was accompanied by two lions. Leo comes from the Greek word meaning "smooth" because as the Sun crosses the sign, the Earth is smoothed and heated. It is Summer in the North Hemisphere. In Mesopotamia, Leo was also defined by the Sun which excessively dried and cracked when it crossed the sign. The natives of this sign are honest people; they display gentlemanly behaviour, have organizing power; they are noble and wise. Among their strongest traits is their supremacy before others, and their ambition for achievements are outstanding. No doubt they will use their cosmic and inner power. This will give them supremacy when competing or displaying their ideas they shall proudly show off when they finally win, and are considered to be right. Leos earn respect so that their rules are strictly complied with. They are self-centered and this makes them feel infallible and overskilled; they cultivate self-steem, though sometimes exaggerate in spite of their kind personality, and try to find a balance.
Love:The Lion is vain, and loves to be praised by his partner in all respects, for the clothes he is wearing, his likes, etc. They will not tolerate deceit or meanness in their beloved or children. Leos are dominant and passionate like all fire signs. They are self-assured, though vulnerable when in love with a problematic partner. This will result in their breaking up definitely. The Lion will not take the liberty to think that somebody may be better than himself. In the main, natives of this sign are good-looking, impulsive, and extremely sensual.
Social and Family Life:Leos are soft-hearted and shall always take over others? problems. They feel responsible for their relatives and parents. Their families will receive spiritual and material rewards from Lions, even if they had to devote too much of his time.

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August 23- September 22
Sign Characteristics:feminine, positive, earth, mutable
Ruling Planet:Mercury
General Traits:In Greek mythology, the Virgo constellation was put in the heavens in memory of Erigone, Icarius? daughter. When she knew that her father had been killed by some drunken shepherds, she killed herself in front of his tomb. As a result of her behaviour, the gods decided to take her to the heavens and place her in such constellation. There was a Roman celebration as a tribute to the Goddess of Harvest, Ceres, in August, when the Sun entered in Virgo. Women dressed in white gowns fasted for nine days, to then offer the first crops to the goddess. The natives of this sign are extremely meticulous, very fond of good order and obsessed by hygiene, organizing attitudes and, particularly, preciseness with a touch of simplicity present in their life. Virgoans are analytical, perfectionist, diligent, inquisite and also generous. They are understanding with the weakest, and arrogant with the powerful.
Love:In love, they are immensely passionate, even though they may not reveal their feelings. For Virgoans, love should be based in tenderness and complete surrender. When they love they are patient, kind, and generous, as the relationship progresses; however, if they feel offended or held up to ridicule, they will use their dialectic like heavy artillery to destroy their aggressor.
Social and Family Life:They make good, caring parents, and indulge their children too much. Virgo sons and daughters, are attentive and respectful towards their parents. They are convinced of the need for self-improvement, and are hard workers to achieve their goals and rise their status in the society they live in. This sign type would rather refuse to perform a task if he thinks he may fail or will not be able to complete it.
Color:Green to DarkBrown

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September 23 - October 23
Sign Characteristics:Masculine, positive, air, cardinal
Ruling Planet:Venus
General Traits:In Greek mythology, Themis, Goddess of Justice and Law, and Zeus? second wife, is represented with the scales. According to Homer, Zeus used to weigh the destinies of men in his gold scales. He used the scales to decide what would the outcome of the Troyan war be. Libra is considered a modern sign, as it is not represented in the primitive zodiac, like Aries or Capricorn. Romans included the sign as a tribute to their emperor Julius Caesar who carried the symbol of justice, the scales, in his hand to represent equality. For Hindu culture, it is the first sign, instead of Aries, for Hindu astrology is not fixed, but based on the rotation of constellations and the movement of stars. Sign of justice, balance and kindness, natives are characterized by being determined and ambitious. Even though many a time they show a dual behaviour what they think being opposed to what they do, and what they are, to what they wish to be. Instability is the result of their inner struggle between two permanent antagonisms, that force them to a pendular behaviour.
Love:Their instinct to be lovable is at a high pitch, words being a means to captivate. They love mental and thinking relationships. Male Librans are kind, elegant, reserved, and have a fine sense of humour. Female Librans are very demanding about the physical look of their partners, and extremely clever in love arts, too. Natives of this sign will be easily overcome by tediousness and boredom if their partners give up to routine.
Social and Family Life:Librans usually take on excessive responsibilities, and spend much of their time in social and cultural activities. Their balance is weakened by their fear of loneliness. Their panic to social rejection drive them mad. Friendship is highly valued by this sign.
Animal/Assosiation:Scales of Balance

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October 24 - November 22
Sign Characteristics:Feminine, water, fixed
Ruling Planet:Pluto
General Traits:In Greek mythology, a scorpion was sent by Juno to kill Orion, who was an invincible hunter. The scorpion was linked to Hades, god receiving the dead warriors? souls. Scorpio is one of the most possessive and jealous signs of the zodiac with respect to what he thinks it belongs to him. He usually shows an unparalleled cruelty against anyone opposing him. He is a finisher of what he started, being pushed by his determination and energy. Scorpians are passionate in love, work, study, etc. They are fond of competition, and hardworking, having a real sense of commitment. They are gifted with an analytical mind, finding always solutions to their problems, no matter how difficult they might be. Natives of this sign are persistently resentful and make fearful enemies, because they will never forget. They are not afraid of loneliness, which they use to appease their character. It is their nature to be idealist and rebellious.
Love:This sign type is remarkably charming. No other zodiacal sign is as jealous and possessive as Scorpio. They turn into invincible warriors when protecting their beloved. If deceived, they will take revenge. Due to their extrovert nature, they are no inhibited, and scandal prone.
Social and Family Life:It is hard to free from their magnetism. If accompanied by the opposite sex they may achieve the goals set. They take care of their children with an unhealthy jealousy, and always try to impose their will, so much so that they may create an unsurmountable gap.
Color:Dark red to Maroon
Animal/Assosiation:Bark Scorpion

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November 23 - December 21
Sign Characteristics:Masculine, fire, mutable
Ruling Planet:Jupiter
General Traits:Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur. In Greek mythology, it is associated with Chiron, a centaur who inhabited the Mount Pelion and taught the major Greek heroes such as Achilles and Eneas. Known for his wisdom and prophecies, it is the son of Cronus and Filira, brother of Jupiter and grandson of Uranum and Gaea. The Centaur (human half - horse half) moves by his creativity and instinct. He goes about in search of freedom and happiness using his at times rather unconscious and unrealistic natural guidance. Sagittarians may be seen as adventurers, sportsmen, lost cause knights, driving speedy cars or boats. Little archers may appear a bit unconventional; on occasions, rather eccentric, who give more importance to their adventures than to their intellectual development. This, however, will be higher in their list of priorities than time and, thanks to their potential, it will attained with little effort. A dreamer by nature, Sagittarius is constantly looking for new challenges, not only finding pleasure in achievement but in the search as well. Sagittarius is restless and capable of performing multiple tasks simultaneously. Initiating a new activity, either physical or mental, is the only thing that keeps him from sinking into boredom. He is the knight of justice and ethics, and shall always be willing to help other people. Their intuition make them see things before they actually occur.
Love:Natives of this sign are charming, capable of feeling intense passion and can be easily infatuated. They know no restrictions in sexual life. Sagittarians are fascinated by parties and friendly meetings and act as entertainers and humorists in all events. They like to taste drinks and food; for which reason they have a tendency to overweight.
Social and Family Life:Little centaurs will be very healthy and fond of sports and dancing. In the intellectual field, they have skills for languages and hate discipline. They shall make excellent parents, concerned about their children? growth and development.
Color:Rich Purple

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December 22 - January 20
Sign Characteristics:Feminine, earth, cardinal
Ruling Planet:Saturn
General Traits:In Greek mythology, Capricorn is the famous goat Amalthaea who nursed Zeus when he was born. Rhea, mother of Zeus, tired of seeing her husband Cronus eat her children, gave Zeus to the care of the goat in the hope that her son would be raised healthy and strong. The minds of this sign subjects is a laberynth where ambitions and a need to cultivate oneself are in constant struggle. They are determined, self-centered and dominant. They persevere and usually attain their goals. They love to be free, and are always interested in personal development. When able to work out a plan to fight their opponents, they are almost invincible. They are harmed, however, by this self-sufficiency. Goats are resolved, and have a strong sense of discipline. There is a tendency in them not to see their own values. They know how to adapt themselves to each activity because of their strong sense of responsibility. From early childhood they have a tendency to dominate others. There are two types of goats: the climbing or wild goat, and the docile or domestic goat, one being characterized by its aggressive behaviour, attempting to manipulate others weaknesses for their own benefit. The other accepts its position and waives competition. They are ironic, serious and dull. For fear of mediocrity, Capricornians have an interest in coming up in the world and stand up.
Love:Shyness and a lack of communication are drawbacks hindering their relationships with others, particularly with their beloved. They are, however, romantic, and long for an ever-lasting love. They may feel frustrated by vulgarity, even though they are lascivious.
Social and Family Life:Like in the other aspects of his life, a Capricornian is dominant with his family. He will be concerned about everything that affects his children and will accompany his children in their growth and development. Parents should pay much attention to little goats so as to develop their intellect and show them affection at any time; otherwise, they may be raised with a lack of affection.
Starstone:Black Onyx

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January 21 - February 18
Sign Characteristics:Masculine, air, fixed
Ruling Planet:Uranus
General Traits:Aquarius, also known as the Celestial Water-Bearer, has been linked to abrupt changes in climate. This sign represents a divinity that supplied water to the gods in the Roman mythology, symbolizing the Nile river in the Egyptian culture. In the main, it is the sign of the new era. As liberals, they reject any kind of tidings, they are rebellious by nature and are not dependable. Aquarians are humanitarian, friendly, and thinking. Diplomacy is not one of their virtues. They are extremely sociable and will feel depressed if lonely. Natives of this sign lead noble and pacifist causes. They are fond of alternative medicine; will seldom ask for a doctor?s advice; they trust curative powers of herbs.
Love:They are capable of an ever-lasting love provided their individual freedom is not in danger. They are tender, faithful and romantic. Passion is not their strength; they are convinced that to love does not mean to surrender oneself to only one person.
Social and Family Life:Their ideals of freedom shall be taught to their children. Novel pedagogical and teaching techniques will be used by Aquarians. Little water bearers are fond of music and have quick learning skills. They prefer educational toys to reading.
Animal/Assosiation:Water Bearer

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February 19 - March 20
Sign Characteristics:Feminine, negative, water, mutable
Ruling Planet:Neptune
General Traits:In Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, and Eros, were in great danger. They became fishes to become invisible to their enemies. For Babylonian astrologists, the constellation stars shaped the tail of a goddess governing the seas, a mixture of fish and swallow, called Nina. For the Egyptians, it represented flood times since while the Sun passed this sign, there was a rise in the level of the Nile waters. For Chaldeans, the passage of the sun through the sign meant abundant catch.Pisceans have a great sense of aesthetics. They are gifted with great creativity, even though many a time they are limited by their big responsibilities. Natives of this sign may be easily depressed when they are unable to attain their goals in the short term. They are stubbornly idealists and serve, cooperate and help, though they will not stand aggressive pressure or domination. Pisceans are extremely supersticious, afraid of fate, and may be easily influenced
Love:In the main, they are extremely sensual; when they love, they are emotional and jealous. Pisces is always looking for an absolute, romantic, and completely irrational love.
Social and Family Life:Pisceans surrender themselves with no restrictions and with little effort to their beloved and affections. They may reach the limits of sacrifice, and even go beyond. Those around them will receive no refusal to their requests from Pisceans.
Color:Soft SeaGreen
Animal/Assosiation:Fish(or two fish swimming in diffrent directions)

User Comments: [5]
dracula al
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Jun 30, 2005 @ 07:26pm
there isn't one for my birthday I'm in-between Libra and Scorpio

comment Commented on: Fri Jul 01, 2005 @ 05:44pm
i am a cancer

kino of feel good inc.
Community Member
Nelrond Magensie
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Jul 02, 2005 @ 08:44am
lol.. its scary how right that is.. .o.o;;;; and i'm gemini.... geez thats scary....

comment Commented on: Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 06:24pm
I am Pisces as well. It is quite right.

Ultra Big Mega Super Sean
Community Member
Ebony Kirigashi
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 05:26pm
I'm gemini and cancer so HA!

User Comments: [5]
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