A Day In The Life of Phomia_Macscow's World with a Chimera and a Poptart Having a Conversation....
Poptart: It was such a tragedy when Maes Huhges died. I ean seriously, who desverves to die by a pay phone?
Chimera: Hold that thought and look. It's the conventional stove coming to turn rabits into potatoes with its blue rays again.
Poptart: It's annoying how you always point out everything that's flagrant.
Chimera: Now that I ponder about this I have come to a conclusion that I really don't give a flying monkey playing leap frog with unicorns.
Poptart: I'll venture to go down stairs to the Toaster if you..
Chimera: I know, I know, "If I persevere to Readapt!"
Poptart: This world is in Turmoil.
Chimera: Well that's not possible because alchemy won't allow that in this world unfortunately.
Poptart: Does that fluctuate between dying and living?
Chimera: That theory thing-a-ma-jig of yours isn't very comprehensive. What were you saying about a payphone?
thE_twIstEd_pEOplE Community Member |