Okay so i got my cosplay mule in the arena right now and well this came about because i was bored adn made a mule and decided to make it about ghost in the shell. i love that anime so i figured why not. after getting some good feed back i entered her in the arena and i get this s**t as comments
VermillionThunder February 4, 2008, 12:33 pm I truely thank you for stealing my idea from the week before. Really kewl. I am going to give you 0 for not coming up with your own ideas. ^^ &*okay first off who the ******** cares if someone does a cosplay the week eariler if you dont win you failed now its my turn.
so in return heres a message in her profile for being such a b***h (sorry i hate this word alot but its intitled ) you got some never to acuse me of "stealing" your idea. Even if you did put a cosplay of the major in last week in the arena doesnt mean that i knew or planned around that. you definatly need to get off that high horse of yours and let it kick you in the head .
i love for people to comment on my cosplays but s**t like this is just wrong perhaps this is why the arena needs to be shut down and not brought back
Nightstalker Arcanum · Tue Feb 05, 2008 @ 01:34am · 1 Comments |