I can call out for you, But you won't hear, I can stand right beside you, But you won't notice, I can touch you, But you won't feel, I can reach out for you, But you won't care, I can touch your face, But you stare right threw me, I can meet you in the middle, But you don't try to, You just stand there not even knowing my name, I can fall, But you won't catch me, But when I cry, you notice that, But nothing else, So why do I even bother? Why do I waste time trying to get you to notice, when you don't even try? It hurts... Like a burn from a rug, Like a stab wound, My world shattered, just like glass, into a million pieces, no one can fix it, because no one will see, except when those pieces, escape from my eyes into tears, that shed on my cheeks, I'm sorry I bothered you, I'm sorry I even tried.