I got seven teeth pulled out yesterday, and I didn't feel a thing except alot of pressure. The dentist gave me laughing gas, and 9 or 10 shots of Novocaine. rofl That was fun. I haven't been able to eat any solid foods, though. As I told Aussie..yesterday when I got home, I had to eat something so I could take my medicine. My mom got me a bowl of apple sauce with a spoon, so I could eat it, right? Well, I couldn't use the spoon without the guaze moving around in the back of my mouth, so I asked her if she'd get me the turkey baster. xd I sucked up the apple sauce in the turkey baster a nd stuck it in the back of my mouth so the guaze wouldn't move around. It was quite entertaining. I was still drugged up, though, so that could explain why I thought of the turkey baster.
Well...the medicine I was prescribed has done squat. I've only taken it twice, but only because I thought I had to. Mom woke me up around 11pm last night to take more medicine, but I was so tired, and I didnt have any pain, that I figured I'd just skip out on taking it. I thought for sure that I would wake up in the middle of the night with increadible pain. I had 7 teeth pulled 12 hours earlier. No pain at all. Not last night, not this morning, not right now. Awesome, huh?
Anywhozits, I'm just waiting for that blessed day when I can eat solid foods again. I miss it so.
Angel of Ice, over and out.
Angel of Ice · Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 09:23pm · 2 Comments |