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I write out of feeling sometimes, other times I like to share whats going on with me or just add some comic strips or inside jokes my pals and I made.
I actually used to write poems and things but i lost some of my originals. Luckily i find time after doing classwork to write silly songs and poems about class or dying people(get in touch with your evil self) Oh and lastly Im considering starting a book called Dracon Sphere its gonnna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go here to check up on some excerpts from it.
Dracon Sphere (part 4)
“MAGETS!” he snapped. The other kids stood up straight chest out and saluted. Not even completely acknowledging the man I just tried to see his face behind the shadow that cassed his face. “Excuse me little missy” he said calling me out. “I don’t think you know who I am!” he yelled. The other kids looked at me like and started to shake their heads and whisper. “Show me some gratitude missy!” he screamed at me. I saluted to him, and then he began to continue. “So y’all wanna be dragon warriors?” he questioned. “HUH!!!!! I’m talkin’ to you!” he shouted at the top of his voice. “YES SIR!” we all shouted. “Well, well then” he said in a soft voice. The crazy man began walking in circles and swirling his pocket knife on his finger. This went on for about another five minutes then he started to examine the dragons. I was a little nervous because I didn’t exactly have a dragon. Upon walking around he spotted three other kids who had insect dragons too. He drew a circle in the dirt around the kids who had the bug dragons. Then he got to me, he kept staring at Hope. “Well, well” he said. I made a confused face at him. “Hmmm……. I’ve seen this monster before!” Everyone nosily looked down to see what he was talking about. “Ah! Now I remember are you...Jacob Redliwe’s sister?” he asked. “You know him?” I said in a joyful voice. “Yes I know him, I was with him when he died” he said as the expression on both of our faces dropped to a frown. “I know this is gonna be hard for you to talk about Mister” I said in a remorseful voice. “Just tell me, who killed him?” I stated out of pure curiosity. The man took off the hat and tipped it to the sky as to honor my brother. “Your brother was a brave one, but he was just no match for Railord Pytheomus” he said as he began to cry. “Your brother was a nice man, shame he had to go like that, but he did say one thing to me”. The rest of the kid’s eyes widened. “He said, now I can reside with my mother in heaven” the man became silent and I started to cry. I know knew my purpose here; to avenge my brother and find this Railord Pytheomus character and send him straight to hell for killing the only person I could count on in life.

And this puts me where I am now, four years later. I’m much more different than I was back then. I’ve lost my consideration for others on the road to becoming a dragon warrior. I’m stronger and older you can say I’ve become a little bitter because I have no one anymore. I lost my luscious long black hair because of the academy regulations I had to cut it. Big changes in my life, Hope had passed away from a mysterious death and now this is holding me back from joining the “Dragonia Reptillus” or the army. We aren’t any closer to obtaining the Dracon Sphere than we were back then. Maybe this will change once I join in a few more years. I have a new friend that I met at the Academy, her name is Sara and she is considering joining the Dragonia Reptillus with me. Also back at home Papa hired a spirit warder named Salina. Papa keeps claiming the fields where Jacob and Hope are buried are haunted. Upon traveling through our farm land I stumbled across a large oval egg. It was simply beautiful with three sky blue rings around it. The hue of the egg was one I had never seen. ‘Twas a metallic lime green with swirls of white. Due to my knowledge I can say it’s a dragon egg. Once it hatches I can raise it and then join the Dragonia Reptillus. All is going to work in my favor. I’ll be a true dragon warrior in about another year. And here is where the true adventure begins………………