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I write out of feeling sometimes, other times I like to share whats going on with me or just add some comic strips or inside jokes my pals and I made.
I actually used to write poems and things but i lost some of my originals. Luckily i find time after doing classwork to write silly songs and poems about class or dying people(get in touch with your evil self) Oh and lastly Im considering starting a book called Dracon Sphere its gonnna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go here to check up on some excerpts from it.
Dom's a Galaxy Defender!!! O:
Why hello.....

Lately as you already may know, I've been playing Star Fox (orginial for SNES)
I know, I'm such a badass ;O
I'm going to describe my adventures in the game that I've had so far....LET'S DO IT! YARG!!!

Level One

First you are at a can choose your course but the difficulties are different so be wise what you choose (I picked Easy >w< wink

Well well I'm just starting the game at level one. Upon starting each mission you get a little message telling you your objective. Read it(obviously)to understand what you'll be doing. That one dude (he's a dog...I forgot his name) Tells you (me) (star fox) (WHATEVER!) that we are the last resort to take on Andross! O:

So here we go!!! (you, me, star fox) and (your, mine or his) squad heads off into this land to go blast up some ships! Yay!!!. Now Level one is fairly easy until you get to the boss....

So (you, me, starfox) are cruising along and then this shadow comes over (your, my, his) ship! HOLY SHIT!!! The thing is like 20 times larger than the tiny airwing! O:

Also the thing it is bullet proof O: I bet your thinking "How the hell?" Well the game has to be beaten....The dude opens up a part of his massive ship to let out airwings and Novas to blow your ass up. O: When he opens up these little openings you shoot him in them to make his shield (health) go down. Each part that (you, me starfox) successfully shoot will fall off and blow up on the ground (you, me, starfox) are pretty badass, right? Wrong. Then the shippy thing has no more of those to blow up. So the damn coward starts shooting Novas at (us) (Novas are like these atomic bomb things) So (you, me, starfox) must dodge these. I reccomend using your Novas right back at the bastard. Then BOOM! The hunk of m[color=#c800dc: