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View User's Journal

I write out of feeling sometimes, other times I like to share whats going on with me or just add some comic strips or inside jokes my pals and I made.
I actually used to write poems and things but i lost some of my originals. Luckily i find time after doing classwork to write silly songs and poems about class or dying people(get in touch with your evil self) Oh and lastly Im considering starting a book called Dracon Sphere its gonnna be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go here to check up on some excerpts from it.
Dom's pissed now D:<
Why does this always happen to me.... I trust someone with dear life and then I find out something bad about them.....gawd why twice in one day First something about my dad that made me cry and now someone who's name I shouldn't use...... -cuts wrist- I'm so depressed now -sigh- I just wanna abuse a kitten or somethin' weak and think someone loves and then you figure out who they really are......... I just hope I dont have to deal with anyone's stupidity tomorrow at school.

You think someone loves you and you love them back. Then you find out who they really are.......