Come with me through time and space, To the ending of it all...

Claudaptorex? Ahg, I can't remember. I used to play Zoo Tycoon, and you could get dinosaurs on it. One of them looked very much like Calon, only the colours were different. Its name was something like that.

Maize is acting much like a young kitten. I've found her romping around my room, chasing after any spiders or wasps that may have gotten in. The poor dear got stung once and quickly dispatched of the stinging insect afterwards in her rage. xD

Ahhh, she reminds me of the multiple litters of kittens we've had running around the house. They're so cute!! whee

...We can change our history, Save us before the moon falls!

Lyrics (c) DavidN on Sheezyart