We've started on the harvest... ugh
Every year we get the same phenomenon, my Dad plants less yet it seems to be even more work and out of control. My parents have this weird idea to never waste anything so they wate until the pumpkins start coming in to pick the ENTIRE garden thinking bigger=better/more food. However, everyone who isn't a neanderthal knows that smaller= better tasting. Oh well, luckily the radishes didn't come up at all and the blueberries got eaten by catapillars so that shortens the work...The feilds are all hayed, and this year I got to drive the tractor for the first time! WoOt However, almost everything is full of weeds and out of control. This year was the worst ever for us seeing as my Dad had back surgery and even before that he was in coronic pain and couldn't help at all, Ryan's got a girl friend and that means he never shows up when it's time to work. (Today was supposedly her birthday, that girl has so many birthdays I think she has to be 100 by now) Katie had to study for the MCATS, and insisted that any work would impede her progress, and even I was gone for three weeks as boarding school. Now with me leaving for boarding school in a week i's crucila we get everything in. I do enjoy the satisfaction of eating something that I grew, but my family really needs to be reminded that supermarkets were invented for a reason...
Ugh, I g2g, I think I stepped in rotten pumpkin. xp Sorry in advance for not being on much this week, I'll try to sneak away when I can.
lesbia69 · Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 10:09pm · 3 Comments |