For a while I have noticed something. The usb, mic, and headset ports at the front of my computer have not been working recently, while the back ones do. I always have to climb around wires and get to the back to plug in my Ipod or PSP or headset/mic. It is such a hastle. So finaly I opened the side of my computer to see why the heck they don't work. Well the problem is when my brother left he and I switched motherboards so I can have his older graphics card in his computer, so now I have a whole new skin on my computer that was my brothers when he was younger and played Unreal tourn. a lot. Well, hahaha, who would know that he broke it by slamming his foot down on the plate in the front (he probably got lag and died or something XD) and the metal plates that hold the drives got bent over the ports inside the computer. So, uh, that is kinda unfixable without a welder XDDDD. Oh well, I am back to my days of crawling on the floor over extention cords and power cords and the 100 Yamaha cords for the sound (Wtf is wrong with Yamaha?! Why do they need TWO seperate cords for one side speaker, another two for the other side speaker, and like 20 for the big one at my feet that make a pleasent BOOM BOOM BOOM sound when I play songs with loud bass in it =3) Three fo the printer (One for power, another for the computer, and I have no clue with the other one is for, I never followed it.) Just two for the Moniter =) I have to brag, my moniter is Sceptre... HAHA what's yours?! Mine is soooo~ cool! Ehem... now then... and then all the things I pluged into the ports in the back like this Hello kitty thing. When it is on it moves and dances and lights up as I type or click.
Oh yah, I forgot to mention before but...
THE TRAVELING PANTS FREAKEN' SUCKED! I was so excited for something that was a total let down. All their charecters had different personalities and the jokes were childish and seriously the story lines were:
"OMG the condam broke but I am not pregnate! Instead of being happy with my bf that I am not, I get all cocky and break up with him and go into depression for no darn reason! WHOOPTYDO! And for some reason seeing my bff's mom give birth made me all happy again! YAY ME!" (There is a pill you can take withen 24 hours that can prevent preg. after that so why the heck was she freaking out in the first place?)
"My EX got married. So I got a new boy. I like this new boy a lot. My Ex wants me back. So I take him back. End of story." (Did not even mention the new guy at all after she got back together with the other guy 0.o)
"Oh. I work in the back of a stage. I take my friend's main role in the play. She is mad." (Thats a lot of drama... NOT)
"My mom was sick. So she left. So my dad instead of telling me that she was sick and loved me, he told me she hated me to protect me. That makes a whole BUNCH of since." (Old story covered in the first movie and makes no since.)
IT WAS TORTURE. My dad liked it though. Who knew negatives attract?
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