God I hate out sourcing and talking to computer menues! I have a problem I want to talk to a person, who not only knows the product but lives in the same country so we speak the same language and I don't have to repeat myself 5 times and get run around in circles for 1 little thing that would that 7 or 8 minutes with a normal person on a help line. After all thats what they are there for is to help not make you so mad you want to get rid of the product!
Ok...that was my rant for the day after I tried to get some tech help for a little glitch in a product I just baught that cost a lot on my little budget so that it wouldn't fail because it was nicely built...but I guess you get screwed no matter what now a days! We need a change, for the better but all thats happening is we are going down hill fast. We need a quick turn around or we are headed for a major problem that might lead to disaster or re-evaluation and restructure.
Hopefuly people will wake up and pull their heads out of the sand before we fall off a cliff.
Other then that the day was pretty uneventful, got lots done at work, at where I live as well. The weather was nice, sunny but not too hot. Called some family and talked for a bit. My cousin (3 months older then me) is having a baby boy around Christmas. His wife has a son from another relationship but I think he will adopt the boy to his mane...not sure though. It's late and I'm tired and frustrated so off the bed I go. See you all tomorrow. Nite.
fluffy_killer_puppy · Tue Aug 26, 2008 @ 05:44am · 0 Comments |