Sorry for the short weird posts I haven't been getting all the rest I need and been over stressed and worked lately and am a little grouchy. But I'm getting back to normal and back on scheduel. Today was slightly annoying. I got up extra early to get to work early so I could leave early to get some stuff done at the house. Didn't get much sleep, work killed my feet and my pacients, then the guy coming to the house came early when I had asked him to come later, so I wasn't home yet, so I had to rescheduel even though I went to work early to get off early! Then when I called to rescheduel I got run around for a bit and annoyed! Also a friend I was suposed to talk to who I set time aside for didn't show up! Dinner was a disaster too. But now the day is over and I'm going to sleep! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Nite.
Thanks for listening to me rant!
fluffy_killer_puppy · Thu Aug 28, 2008 @ 05:07am · 0 Comments |