Well everyone, I'm leaving for the orthodontist in about ten minutes. WIsh me luck!
EDIT: Alright...I'm back and I could have sworn I was getting the braces today. I only got the expander in, and its hard to talk and swallow with it in. It's a little uncomfortable but i'll live. I don't get the braces until the end of November, and I have to go back to the dentist because they missed some cavities >.>
My grandparents have decided to get rid of Shadow because of what happened with Abbie. It was the third time something like that happened. The third time in six years. Six years! The first time my young cousins (under the age of 8 ) were pulling on Shadow's tail and fur and wouldn't stop when he was growling at them. The second time my bratty cousin Jacob was laying ontop of him and again, he was growling at him to stop and when he didn't he snapped at him. I don't blame him for that. I'd bite Jacob, too, if he was laying ontop of me and wouldn't get off. The third time was with Abbie, and Shadow has been realy sensitive about things lately because either Hank or Rascal are trying to take dominance away from him. My grandpa said that for dogs, reaching over their heads, or leaning over their heads is a sign of dominance....he only tolerates it with us because we're family. He's an old dog...we've had him since he was a puppy. He's never been with another family. They said they're not getting rid of him until after my brat of a cousin comes over to spend the night next weekend to "say goodbye to shadow" as my mom said. I hate this... crying cry cry cry
EDIT (again): I had to go back to the orthodontist only a few minutes after we got home because one of the thin bar thingys that goes to the front of my mouth was digging very painfully into my gums whenever i would bite down. So my mom called the orthodontist and they had us come back and my ortho lady moved the bar for me. Lots better. It's still really hard for me to eat, swallow and talk.
Abbie, Aussie, if you guys are reading this, we should do something. I still need to get out of the house, and I miss the musketeers! Oh, and I'll make the first musketeers newsletter this week. I'm waiting for mah daddeh to make me a cd of the pictures that are on the camera.
Angel of Ice · Wed Oct 05, 2005 @ 02:22pm · 0 Comments |