The chilly air was oppressing in its presentation of the storm to come, and he could feel ever bit of it, finding small spots through his fur coat to remind him that he needed someplace warm to curl up in.
A handsome Black and White cat was walking proudly down the road, it looked determined and even angry, it hissed at the sky constantly. There were no people nearby, so he didn't really care about trying to look like a stupid cat!
'That stupid old hag, I swear if I ever get out of this, I'll tear her a part with my bare hands....when I get them back! This is almost worse than if I had stayed!....why? Oh I just HAD to go and beg her for help....and now I'm out here freezing my rear off for no apparent reason as a stupid worthless animal....' He babbled on furiously in his head, his blue eyes very angry and yet almost lost looking. He was a long ways from home, a very long ways, clear out here on this odd road, and he had to find somewhere to coop up rather quickly, or he'd be a popsicle in the morning. He didn't make it all the way from his blasted fate just to die trying!
It was a haughty expression that was on his feline face, and he walked perfectly just like any cat-one foot in front of the other, his tail held proudly high. He looked like the owner of this neighborhood and not just a cat. It was in his breeding, he couldn't help it. He sneezed, cursing the cold as he did, just as he came in view of a victorian looking home, it wasn't too bad looking-he could hole up somewhere around here for the night. Then he'd continue his journey trying to get back home and straighten this whole mess out. He slid easily through the bars, he was very skinny, on careful paws he slid through the dying flowers passed a girl, who he was very careful not to be seen by-but then again he was black and white. And without another thought he slid up onto the porch out of sight and huddled behind a pot of sorts, it provided some warmth, he'd count this good. The last place he tried to get inside had people, and one of them gave him a hefty kick to the ribs. If his father had seen that treatment, that man would have been sued for every penny he had, and probably killed just for striking him in any manner. However, his father had no clue that he was out here, or that his proud son, a royal bloodline, the only one he had, Sir Lance Andrew Pellin-was as of now, a cat. He huddled disgustedly against the pot, shivering, his pristine, cleanly kept coat warding off most of the cold-but he had a feeling it would get a lot worse, and he'd have to find somewhere much better before the night was through....
((Black and White cat is a link to what he looks like, just so you know.))
animal_one_X · Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 05:38pm · 0 Comments |