I'm really mad it seems like everyone is using almost the same profile layout and about me as me. It makes me mad because I really hate it when people copy me.
To the people who are using about me, Some people who are using it say they are celebs but if they were celebs they would make their own about me, they wouldn't copy mine and insert a celebs name in it. If you wanted/want me to think your real then be yourself. I don't know if you are posers because of this but it makes me think you are. Please take it down.
To the people who are using layout, I didn't make my layout. PANIC iLY did. So by copying my layout will get you in trouble, I will tell her your using it and next thing you know your account is banned.
Please people come on. Your better then this! If you don't steal/copy then I would love to be your friend. If your nice you will be treated nice. Remember that. -Ash
xoShmAshleyxo · Mon Dec 08, 2008 @ 05:42am · 1 Comments |