ok so i went to the docters yesterday night to see what was wrong with me so he said it was prabley a cold but he was nurvas of where the pain in my stomic was cause thats were the apendeix is so i got taken into the ER to have tests run to see if thats what it was so they poke and prode me then tell me i have to have a vangial exam to see if everything is all right so i can have a utra sound so everything was fine with the exam then i go to utra sond and well heres the thing i've never had sex but its said that i'm not a vergin tecknally becuse when i went to the docters befor this for my birth controll the docter broke my vangial seal so that kind of explains why it hert well anywhay we get the utra sound over to make sure that i don't have overian sis or what ever and i didnt have that so they were preping me for a catscan and the guy came in and told me i had to drink this stuff it kind of looked like lemonlime gatorade smelled like it two but it tasted nasty and i had to drink 900mL of this stuff well lets just say i got about half way befor i thru up and then the docter/nurse guy came back in and said hold on let me go talk to the docter and the docter said ok go get a cat scan so i didn't have to finsh that nasty drink so we get there and he puts this formula stuff like idoine or something in my iv and that relly made my through warm and alittle ichy so then we do the catscan and they bring me back to this room thing and the entire time i'm here i had the same nurse dede and she was relly nice so any way my mom has left cause she needed to get to sleep cause she had to work today so she lefted arond midnight and my dad was still with me so it was ok and i dont blame here i didnt think they were going to find anything anywhay so were in the hospital for like anothr hour or two and we've been there sience 7 pm that night and now it was about 2 am the folling morinig today that we got out of there knowing nothing more relly than what we did when we got there excep that it wasn't my apendix so today at 10:30 am we went to my normal docter to see what it was and it's slightly inlarged lymph nodes thay is causeing my pain the only thing we don't know is that is it from mono or just them being inlarged so we could have the test taken to see if i have mono but all that means is that i have mono and they cant do anything about it even if it's not mono and the lymphnodes are just inlarged there's still nothing they or i could relly do about it so that's what happend in a total of under 24 hours of having docter vistis is that they cant do s**t for me well later ~Seashell~
michellemybell16 · Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 12:10am · 0 Comments |