Mans, life can be hectic sometimes. But it's in a good way so I don't mind too much. I'm tying my hardest to get all my breedables s**t together. It can just be hard since I basically only get the labtop twice a week. Other then that I can get on it late at night. Seriously need to get my compy back; to get all my saved s**t from it. My Uncle and my Mom are pretty damn certain that it's dead. That's k because it wasn't the hard drive.
Anywho this weekend was spiffy. Last night I went to the Troc in Phila and twas fun. The bands where good but they just need some work. I almost didn't go but me dad wanted me to go so he didn't feel like a loser. His friends son is in On The 8th Day so thats why we went. Got to hang with Melinda so it was all good. Ummo there is always more to the story I'm just to hyper to go on.
By the way I have a "Pocket Emo" do you?
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