The place where all of my thoughts go before I have a chance to think them through and only post the things that matter or don't offend people. Be warned.
Scary as hell
oh my gosh! I was crying on the way home--- one of my best friends, Monte, had a Seizure in Biology class today and I was SO scared... he just started to feel sick and so Mr. McMasters *who knew about his seizures* maked him sit on the floor and had everyone move their chairs away from him, he sits two seats in front of me so i was pretty close to the "action" not that I wanted to be... I looked away from it almost the whole time--- its so strange and creepy to watch your friends just start spazing out. It was creepy... and the whole class was so quiet all i could hear was Monte's shoe lases keep hitting the floor--- that strange clicking noice. I don't know how else to explain it, it was .... REALLY scary. *sigh* and i feel alout better to be venting this all out--- sweatdrop but I don't think I can EVER look at that classroom door without hearing those shoelaces anymore...
as far as i understand, I'll be scarred more then he is ^^"" no damage*not anything noticable any way* has ever been done to him. The only way he could seriously injure himself is if he is standing up when the seizure happens. he has alot of seizures. on monday, i think it was, he wasn't at school cause that morning he had had a seizure. thats the closest the seisures have ever been together (as far as i know) but they happen at random and the doctors don't know what causes the seisures in him. because they happen so randomly he has to ALWAYS have someone with him, even when he just needs a pass to go to his locker or the bathroom. just in case.
Lystral heart
Lacya · Community Member · Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 11:57pm
O__o Umm hmm.lets see. DL is not the type thats good with words. *being unemotional & all* So umm yeah. I will say this much, I do hope that your friend? is alright and that he is fortunate enough to not have to go through that again, and you for that matter. But the way you describe the.. "shoelace sound" I felt like I was reading a book. Is that bad? ^^;;;;;; None the less.. sorry you had to experience that but I hope you will be able to put that in the back of your mind and have your normal days back.
Skeletta · Community Member · Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 12:09am
I'm certain he will have to go though them again and again sweatdrop that sucks... but I do hope i don't have to watch again... Sounded like a book? Well--- that all depends on if it set the same uncomfortable sence in you that it did in myself, if it did not and only made it funny--- then yes, thats bad and I'll have to find a way to re-word it.
Lystral heart
Lacya · Community Member · Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 12:15am
No need to reword. I got the same feeling that I understand you felt.
Skeletta · Community Member · Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 06:20am