This pisses me off beyond all belief!!! scream Just to let ya'll know...if Bishop calls and asks if he can meet with you, DON'T say that you don't think you could make it. He came to my house, instead.
He pretty much told me to dump Nick. He said it wasn't healthy to date someone for a year and a half, and that he was worried that I'm spending so much time with him. He's my boyfriend! Of course I'm going to spend as much time with him as I can. He was also telling me that I can be successful, and I should think about my future and what I want to do for the rest of my life. Personally I think that Bishop is too controlling. He's telling Chris to quit his job, and me to find one. He's telling me that I cant live with my parents forever. DUH! He's saying that I should get involved in the Single Adult activities and meet other people my age. I suppose he doesn't think that my friends are my age, and that all I do is hang out with old people all day. He doesn't know enough about me to tell me how I should live my life...who I should date and who I should be friends with. I was soooo tempted to just get up and go to my room halfway through our "meeting." Oh, and before he left, he was all, "When you're ready to talk to me, let me know. Because I know theres something you want to tell me." The way he said it...*shakes head* The guy doesnt even know who my best friends are, I doubt hed know if there was something I "needed to talk about." There is nothing going on in my life right now that I want to talk about with Bishop. If Abbie's dad was still bishop, that'd be a different story...
Only one good thing came from yesterday's meeting with Bishop. He said that the same family who was paying for my braces was going to get me contacts, too. He won't tell me who the family is, though. He said they dont want anyone to know who's doing this for me. I don't know why anyone would spend so much money on me. Yeah, me being the wierdo I am, I've always wanted braces, and I've wanted contacts since I got my glasses just 'cause I hate them. But for someone to do all this for me, and not even let me know who they are....I don't know who it could be. I haven't the slightest idea.
It's funny, though. Not about the contacts or braces or anything...but not even five minutes after Bishop left, Nick called. He said to me, "You're supposed to come over today...It's Tuesday. You're supposed to come over every Tuesday for a movie." On Tuesdays, movies are $.50 at Tiffany Plaza. Every other day it's $1. Anyway, Nick talked to dad for about a minute, then dad took me to the light rail and I met Nick at the Evan's station. biggrin
Angel of Ice · Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 06:30pm · 6 Comments |