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An Eternity of Curses! {1st Life}
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“SEBASTIAN! Wake up! You're going to miss the sunset!” A pearly voice screamed up a long tower of stairs. Up those stairs in his room Juliet's brother stirred from his bed. Juliet screamed up the stairs, “If you make me miss the sunset I SWEAR I'll...”
“I'm COMING!” Sebastian finally screamed to his impatient sister.
Juliet smiled and headed towards the front door. She stood right inside the door peering out the peephole waiting till the exact moment when it would be safe to open the door.
Juliet wasn't like most girls, instead of a curfew when the sun went down, she had an alarm clock to wake her up. She didn't go to school and she didn't really hang out with people her own age. She hung out at night clubs and 24 hour restaurants. She wasn't like most girls at all she was a vampire, well in this life anyways. Juliet couldn't remember anything about her life before her 16th birthday, but she could remember 100s of things that happened to her before she became this Juliet. She remembered countless families and countless loves, her favorite being from a few lives back. His name was Romeo. He was the first to give his life for hers and the one she thought was finally going to break her curse. Her curse, well she wasn't quite sure she remembered everything but she knew the basics. She was destined to keep repeating her life, or well kinda her life, until she met the person who truly loved her and was her soul mate. She was always reborn though as someone else and someone she always managed to mess up and die.
The sun peeked just down into the horizon and she swung open the door as her brother stumbled down the stairs, “It's SO BEAUTIFUL!”
“God can you tone it down, the sunset looks the exact same every night so stop exaggerating,” he grumbled and pushed by her outside.
Juliet sighed and closed the door behind them, “You only think that because you don't see it though.....” One more thing, Juliet can't ever mention anything about the curse to anyone. Whenever she starts to slip her voice is removed and she can't talk for 5 whole minutes.
Sebastian looked at his sister, “God finally! I was wondering when you we're going to shut up. Now let's go get some food I'm starving.” Juliet stopped walking and stared at her brother unable to speak. “Don't even think about it. I know we're not going to hurt anyone but we do have to drink blood every once in a while remember? God I swear, your the only girl I know who can't stand the taste.” Juliet sighed and walked to catch up to him.
Juliet and Sebastian walked into The Dragon Club right behind each other. Sebastian looked at Juliet, “You're on your own. Be home by sunrise.”
Juliet nodded just as her 5 minutes of silence finished. Sebastian walked off to find some girl he could get close enough to take a bite of. Juliet wandered through the crowd. She hated when she had to fed. It was hard enough for her to feel comfortable around guys but it was even harder for her to flirt with them knowing that she was just using them for the blood. She glanced around the club. All of the guys here were older then her. She noticed a guy off to the side if the club. He was standing against the wall. He didn't seem too much older then her. She moved her way across the dance floor as she got closer to him she noticed that he had a bandanna wrapped around his eyes. 'Is he blind?' Juliet wondered to herself. He turned his head and stared right at her. She took a step back, 'Can he feel me staring?' The guy turned his head back to the dance floor and Juliet sighed. 'Okay I'm just over reacting. I can talk to him. He can't see so he won't turn me down or remember me later. I can do it,' she told herself as she walked towards him again. She stopped next to him, “Hello.” Her voice was shaky and she kept fiddling with her hands.
The boy turned as if he was looking at her again, “I'm not who your looking for.” He looked back out at the dance floor, “I know who is though.”
Juliet looked confused, “What are you talking about? I thought you looked lonely so I came to talk to you.”
“Stop acting bat girl,” the boy said his face still glaring out at the dance floor.
Juliet froze. She knew no one was suppose to know that she was a vampire, she glanced around the room for her brother hoping he wouldn't blame her.
“He's over there already busy,” the boy said. “You two really should be more careful. People watch the clubs for bats. Though as fast as your brother works they probably couldn't stop him.” He turned and looked at her, “You on the other hand really should get a benefactor.”
Juliet looked at the floor, “Can you please stop talking about it? I already hate that I have to do it at all.” She looked back up at him, his mouth was gapped open.
“A bat without the thirst. That's a first,” he said smirking. “Come with me girly.” The boy headed out into the dance floor, moving through the crowd with ease. Juliet followed as close as she could. The boy reached another boy in the middle of the dance floor and he grabbed his shoulder. “Andre. I got a girly who needs your help.”
The boy turned around and looked at Juliet, she stepped back slowly as she stared at the cat ears on his head. The boy smiled, “Pleasure to meet you. Come on let's dance, I won't bite, but don't let that stop you.” Juliet nodded and she looked at both boys. Andre grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him as a new song came on. He placed his hand on her side trying to get her to start dancing, “Calm down girly relax. I take it your a bat. James doesn't mean any harm he's just trying to keep an eye out on people. Don't worry neither of us will give away who you are but we are here to help you. James does the finding and fighting, I'm just the benefactor.”
Juliet looked up at him, “You mean you...”
“Yeah, you're free to bite me. Just make sure you don't take too much. James will be here again if he thinks you have,” Andre said and wrapped his arm around her pulling her against him, forcing her body to move with his. “You really need to dance though. If you don't they're gonna pick you out and you'll be in trouble.”
Juliet nodded and started to move her body on her. She moved her lips close to his neck then pulled back, “I'm not going to hurt you right?”
Andre shook his head ran his hand through her hair, “No besides I don't think you could harm a fly.”
Juliet smiled and pressed her lips against his neck like she was kissing it. Her teeth sunk in smoothly. Andre didn't even flinch, he just help holding her and keeping them dancing. For the first time since she'd taken over this life she felt like she was doing everything right. She drank enough to hopefully not have to drink again for at least a month.
As she pulled away from Andre, he smiled, “Now we make it look like a kiss on the neck could have really lasted that long.” He pressed his lips against hers and her eyes shot wide open. He pulled away from her, “Oh I'm sorry don't tell me that was your first kiss.” Juliet blushed and looked down, she was too nervous to even say anything. It was her first kiss even if it was all an act. “I'm sorry, I figured...well I just thought...god now I messed up.”
“No it's okay. I don't mind really,” Juliet said trying to smile. “Though I think I need to sit down.” She tried to take a step back and she stumbled. James was right behind her.
He took her hand, “We have to go. If it's reacting this fast then you're going to pass out any minute. Tell me where you live.”
“The old castle near the mountains...wait why ...why am I going to pass out,” Juliet tried to ask.
Andre tried to help stabilize her, “Let's take her home James we'll explain it to her later.” Juliet's hearing went first. She could only hear James's response as a mumble. She blacked out quickly after.
Juliet jumped awake, she looked around realizing she was in her bed. She felt a warm touch on her hand and looked down. Andre was sitting in a chair pulled up to her bed holding her hand. She blushed and slid her hand away. Andre blinked and sat up, “You're awake!”
Juliet looked frightened as she stared at him, “What happened?”
“You waited too long between feedings,” her brothers voice said filling the room as he walked in. “I've told you a bunch of times not to do that. I can't be watching out for you all the time. You're lucky you had this guy looking after you. Though I almost killed him when I came home and you were passed out laying on the couch.”
“Your brother would have if James wouldn't have covered me so quickly. James went home but I didn't want to leave you like that. Don't you know that if you don't feed for so long that it over floods your brain,” Andre said staring at her with his soft eyes.
Juliet looked down, “I'm sorry.” Sebastian walked up next to her bed and sat on the edge, “Don't be you just proved me wrong. You really do have a brain.” Juliet laughed and swung her pillow at him. “Good that's the smiling sister I like. You really got lucky though. Don't do anything like that again, I couldn't take losing you too.”
Juliet nodded and looked at Andre, “Thanks for your help. Will you thank James for me too?”
Andre shook his head, “No you gotta thank him yourself. Besides now I got a reason to hang out with you again and it give you a feeding source without worrying about the whole wooing process.”
“No I couldn't. I'd feel like I'm taking control of you. I couldn't ask for such a thing,”Juliet said shaking her head.
Andre laughed, “You don't have to ask. Besides you had control from the moment you looked at James. Once he meets a bat you're stuck for life. He's gonna insist that he helps take care of you even if you don't wanna bite from me. He's so persistent he might just bite himself and force feed you his blood.”
“He better not! I don't need my sister going crazy,” Sebastian screamed.
Andre laughed, “So I take it you could tell he is a vampire.” Juliet gasped and Andre looked at her, “You couldn't tell? How else do you think he knew that you were one too?”
Sebastian laughed, “She's slow sometimes, plus she's a psycho. Now I'm going to be the sun has already come up and I'm exhausted. Juliet you better not wake me up directly at sunset or I swear I will lock you outside.”
Juliet laughed, “You wouldn't dare. Go to bed Mr. Grumpy. I'll help Andre out.” Sebastian left and Juliet climbed out of her bed. “Come on. I know my brother won't be able to sleep till he knows you're out of the house.” Andre laughed and he followed her. “Thanks again, for well everything. I still don't like the idea of drinking blood but I'm happy that you're willing to try to help me.”
They reached the door and Andre smiled, “It's no problem. Besides it's the least I could do for kinda stealing that kiss.”
“I said that it was okay besides it wasn't too bad,” Juliet said smiling.
Andre grinned, “In that case....” He wrapped his arm around her quickly and pulled her close and kissed her deeply. Juliet almost pulled away but she stopped herself. Instead she leaned slightly into the kiss. It wasn't too bad and it was just a kiss after all. Andre broke the kiss, “Ahh so you really don't mind. Now I bid you farewell. I'll see you at the club tonight.” Before Juliet could say anything he opened the door quickly and slipped out into the sun. Juliet peeked out the peephole watching him leave.
“So what was that all about?” Sebastian's voice asked, suddenly, making Juliet jump.
Juliet looked at him, “It wasn't anything.”
“That kiss didn't look like nothing, but whatever just remember you can't date him. He's a neko he'll die long before you. Don't get yourself hurt, I don't wanna deal with you crying,” Sebastian grumbled and headed upstairs.
Juliet sighed,'I know that, but still he's the first guy to even attempt to like me. Even if it doesn't last long I'd still like to get to know him and what's the harm of a few kisses here and there.' She turned bright red, 'God I should stop picturing kisses. Time for bed.' She made sure the door was locked and headed to her room.


Juliet jumped out of bed and looked around. She heard the banging again. She ran down stairs and looked out the peephole in the door. James and Andre were standing in her doorway. She opened her door and let them in, “Wow I'm getting a wake up call now. Normally it's me screaming for Sebastian to get up.” Andre and James both stood there silently, Andre was staring at her gasping. “What?” She asked and looked down at herself realizing she was stand in front of two guys in a almost see through nightgown. Her face turned bright red and she took off running upstairs.
Andre and James stood still quiet for a moment. Suddenly Andre busted out laughing, “Oh god James you've got to see this girl she has a totally hot body, which I should thank you for the sight of. I now should praise you for making me get up and come over here.”
“Shut up I can see just fine and you know it. I don't want to risk seeing her, you know how I feel about remembering people,” James said looking at the floor.
“Yeah but she's a bat like you. You'll both live for like ever, come on she's perfect for you. You have a talent for finding benefactors and she needs them. You are dark and well kinda handsome and she's totally hot. How can you go wrong?” Andre said staring at him.
James turned to face him, “You having deja vu yet? You told me the exact something last time down to even the kinda handsome part and she died a week later.”
“Sorry, I just wish you would take that thing off and live a little. You're never going to meet anyone to make you smile unless you do,”Andre said.
James laughed, “That's why I have you. And I'll think about it okay. But right now you just keep enjoying those kisses you keep stealing from her.” Andre laughed and Juliet came back into the room. She was changed into a pair of black jeans and a silky red shirt.
“We can go to the club now,” Juliet said smiling. She felt strange as Andre stared at her, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing. You're gorgeous,” Andre said and wrapped his arm around her waist, “Let's go before your brother wakes up and tries to make you change.” Juliet blushed and grabbed James hand pulling him with them.
They reached the club and headed inside together. Some how she felt different walking in with these two guys attached to her then when she showed up with her brother.
Andre pulled Juliet away from James, “Come on let's go dance.” Juliet nodded and followed Andre. She looked back at James and watched him walk over by the wall where he'd been standing the night before. Andre twirled her into his arms, “So I have something to ask?” Juliet looked at him as they danced. “Do you like me?”
“Huh?” Juliet asked. 'Does he mean like like? I can't like like him...but...'
“Do you like me? Or would you rather be with someone like James? I mean he needs a good girl in his life and you seem like that kind of girl but...I don't know if I really want to give you up to him,” Andre admitted. A slow song came on and Andre pulled her close. He could feel James's eyes on him but he didn't care he wanted to be close to Juliet while he still could.
“Your a great guy and so is James but I don't know either one of you too good to pick someone right now,” Juliet said feeling kinda nervous dancing with Andre now.
Andre nodded, “That's fair enough, but could you do me a favor? Dance for real with me. Stop being so nervous and just picture only me and you here.”
Juliet nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. Almost everyone seemed to disappear she cold still hear the music and Andre was still dancing with her. He slid his hands down her back and rest them on her hips. She looked up at him and tippy toed to give him a soft kiss. He kissed her back. When the song ended he hugged her and whispered in her ear, “I don't think I'll ever be able to give you up after all.”
Juliet pulled away and stepped back, “Don't say things like that.” She moved away from him, 'He can't be serious right? It was just a kiss. A few kisses aren't suppose to hurt. I can't let him like me. We'll both be hurt. Sebastian warned me about this.' She stepped back again and then turned and ran out of the club before Andre could stop her.
James ran from the side of the club to Andre, “What did you say to her?”
“I told her the truth! I like her!” Andre said.
“You idiot! She's a ...she can't be with you haven't you learned anything about why I hate remembering? She knows she can't be with anyone who's not a bat ever. I can't believe you would do something so stupid. She's only known you for two days and you say something like that,” James screamed at Andre.
Andre looked down, “I just wanted to tell her what I was feeling. I didn't want to be counted out just because I'm different I didn't want to have to give her up really but I would have had to anyways. I wanted her to at least know that if she ever wanted a choice I would be with her.”
“She's still young she has her whole life for choices!” James ran out of the club to go find Juliet.
Juliet took off to the only place she could think of. She walked into the restaurant and tried to hide the tears that were appearing on her face. She saw down at a table in the corner and faced the wall. The waitress came over, “What would you...are you okay?”
Juliet looked at her, “What am I suppose to do? I can't be with him! He just asked me and I can't...I'm too different...it'll never work and even if he is the one to br...” Her voice was frozen all over again.
The waitress frowned, “Don't cry. Come on let's clean you up.” She handed her a napkin. Juliet wiped her eyes a the waitress sat down. “I know what your going through. I asked a boy I like out but he said the same thing. We're too different, it won't work out, we'll both get hurt. I've liked him from the time I first said hello to him and yet every time I see him he won't get over the girl who he loved who died. He says it's because we're different but I think he's too afraid to move on.” She looked at Juliet, “Give your guy time. Tell him what you feel and be truthful. If you want to wait tell him that. If he really loves you like you say he say then he'll wait. He'll wait as long as it takes to be with you.”
Juliet's voice kicked back in as the waitress finished talking, “Thank-you. Your right and I hope your guy realizes what is good for him.” The waitress smiled and stood up as Juliet headed for the door as she reached for the door James came busting in.
“Oh Juliet I'm glad I found you,” James said trying to catch his breath.
“James?” Both Juliet and the waitress said at the same time.
James looked at Juliet and then at the waitress, “Michelle?”
Juliet looked at Michelle, “This is him?” Michelle nodded and Juliet grinned. She looked at James, “I have to go find Andre but first you really need this.” She grabbed the end of the bandanna from around his eyes and pulled. The bandanna slipped right off and he squeezed his eyes close. “It's time to move on. You can't really smile again until you love again.” She through the bandanna to Michelle. “I got to go now!” She ran out of the restaurant leaving Michelle and James to put together their love. She had to find Andre she had to get to the club and tell him that she liked him she had to tell him how she felt. She ran down the street as fast as she could. She saw Andre walking out of the club looking down at the ground. She jumped for joy and hugged him. Andre screamed in shock.
“I'm so glad I found you. I had to come tell you. I understand I may regret it later but I li....” Out of nowhere a truck swerved right into Juliet and Andre. Juliet blacked out the moment the truck hit her. She never got to finish her sentence and now she was dead. As her soul left her current body she wanted to scream she was finally able to admit that she really liked someone and the curse stopped her. She couldn't do anything now. All she could do was wait. Wait until the bright light opened her life into a new life.

Name: Juliet
Appearance: Juliet
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality : Straight
Race: Vampire
Hair Color and Length: Purple / Long
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5' 5”
Weight: 175lbs
Special Features: Small Bat Wings Tattoo on her back
About: Juliet's parents live in Transylvania while she lives with her older brother in the states. Her mother's name is Elizabeth and her father is Edward. They finally allowed Juliet to move with her brother after her 16th birthday. In turn the curse Juliet really only knows her brother so she sticks by him and usually doesn't go anywhere without him. She is an unusual vampire though. She hates the taste of blood and the thought of hurting anyone at all. She hates the way that she has to feed even more because she is too nervous around guys.

Name: Sebastian
Appearance: Sebastian
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality : Straight
Race: Vampire
Hair Color and Length: Black / Bob
Eye Color: Orange
Height: 6' 2”
Weight: 203lbs
Special Features: His right eye is scarred so he wears an eye patch.
Relation: Brother
About: Sebastian's parents live in Transylvania while he lives with his younger sister in the states. His mother's name is Elizabeth and his father is Edward. Sebastian loves his little sister but hates that he always has to watch out for her. He is always worried she will end up making herself cry and he can't stand watching her cry. He protects her every way he can without trying to be over protective.

Name: James
Appearance: James
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality : Straight
Race: Vampire
Hair Color and Length: Black / Bob
Eye Color: Unknown
Height: 5' 11”
Weight: 186lbs
Special Features: Always wearing a bandanna over his eyes
Relation: Love – Friendship
About: James has lived ost of his life blindfolded so he can sense just abou t anythig without having to use his sight. He has been friends with Andre for as long as he can remember. He knows that someday everyone around him will continue to age and he will not. This is why he doesn't want to see anyone. When he was 16 he liked a girl, a vampire like himself. Andre finally convinced him to look at her. When James finally did it made him love her even more. 1 week later she was killed sicne then James has vowed never to take off his bandanna again.

Name: Andre
Appearance: Andre
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality : Straight
Race: Neko
Hair Color and Length: Brown / Bob
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5' 8”
Weight: 192lbs
Special Features: Brown ears and tail
Relation: Love – Lover
About: Andre doesn't remember his family, he doesn't remember anything about his life. He just knows that one day he was who he was and he was James's best friend. Andre is always trying to make everyone smile. He doesn't care what anyone thinks about him as long as he can make someone smile. He believes his destiny is to help make James smile and be happy forever. When he met Juliet heis whole world felt as if it was turned upside down. He had been a donator of blood to vampires for a long time but just Juliet's touch drove him crazy. When he decided to kiss her he never knew that stealing a girl's first kiss could lead to such a dangerous path of the mind.

Name: Michelle
Appearance: Michelle
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality : Straight
Race: Human
Hair Color and Length: Blue / Long
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5' 6”
Weight: 179lbs
Special Features:
Relation: Love – Stranger
About: Michelle is a simple waitress. She loves her job and tries to make all the customers happy. When she first met James she was applying for her job. She was drawn to him because of his sad face. She spent hours trying to get him to smile and ended up missing her interview. James still never smiled for her but he did talk to the manager and got her the job. She's told him that she likes him 100s of times but each time he pretends he didn't hear her or pretends she said something else.

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