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Muh journal. Read if you Dare Just a bunch of random stuff...

Moldy Aids
Community Member
The Dream
Kyle layed on his bed, thinking about the dream he just had. You see, Kyle wasn't like other people. His dreams came true.

Kyle was in his sophomore year in high school. He'd already had his birthday so his age stood at 17. He had black hair and always wore a black shirt with blue jeans and whatever pair of converse shoes he wanted to.

Sitting up, Kyle got dressed, trying not to think about the dream he just had. He knew from experience that he couldn't stop it from happening. The only thing he could do was wait...

Grabbing his iPod off the nightstand in his room, Kyle went downstairs for breakfast. For the most part, he didn't talk to his parents while he ate his cold cereal. Finally he looks up at his parents and says, "I had a dream last night." Both of his parents heads shoot up and his father asks the same question that he does every time. "Good or bad?" Kyle looks down. "Bad. People die today and its my fault. And I would stay home, but I have a trig test that I can't miss."

Kyle picked up his bag and turned on his iPod before he walked out the door, leaving his parents in a stunned silence. Stopping just before he got to school, Kyle ties his shoe, feeling the ever present dagger strapped to his leg. He knew that with this dagger that he would kill many of his classmates, friends and teachers.

Walking into the school, all eyes went to Kyle. Yes. They already knew his secret. This was why they had to die, because at the assembly today he was the topic. They were going to try and kill him. Kyle smirked as he walked down the hall, he was thinking about the only good thing that came out of this day. And that was that he wouldn't have to take his trig exam.

The day went by quickly, and before he knew it Kyle was walking into the gym and taking a seat on the stage. From the stage, he began to look around at all of the familiar faces. He wouldn't admit it, but he was scared. Kyle was already living his nightmare. Walking over to the mic, he began, "As you all know, my dreams come true." Everyone was quiet and still as he spoke. "And as you can guess, I know what will happen today. I don't want it to happen. But most of you in here right now will die if this continues." Someone in the back of the gym yelled, "Your a freak! Get out of our school and never come back or we'll kill you!"

Shaking his head, Kyle continues, "No! You don't understand! This is--" Kyle was cut off. The first shot had been fired and everyone went into action. Kyle didn't want to hurt them, but he pulled his dagger and finished carrying out his nightmare.

Kyle walks out of the school. He was done...for now. He hated himself for what he just did. Kyle looked at his cloths that were now covered in blood. Dropping his dagger, Kyle began to limp home slowly.

Kyle wouldn't, no, couldn't forget the look on his best friends face when Kyle stabbed him in the stomach. Just thinking of it made his eyes swell and overflow with tears.

Reaching his house, Kyle crept in silently. His parents weren't home. Good. Kyle went upstairs and got in the shower. He just stood there. Letting the blood wash off of him. Quickly, Kyle packed a bag full of cloths and money. Going then into his parents room, Kyle grabbed his dad's gun and a 2foot double-bladed sword.

Before leaving, Kyle cleaned up any trace that he had come home. He didn't want to leave, but he knew that if he didn't that bad things would happen to his family. As Kyle locked the door, he heard the sirens. Moving around to his neighbors backyard, Kyle started running to and through the woods. Kyle's movements were slowed by his bag and sword since the gun was already tucked safely away in his bag.

Pausing for a breath, Kyle readjusted his bag and sword. Looking over his shoulder, Kyle realizes that he was already almost half way through the woods and that the sun was going down. Meaning that he had to find shelter and fast. Just as Kyle starts to run again, he hears the howl of multiple bloodhounds. Great. Just great. He thought to himself. He needed to get a cloak or something to cover his face and weapons. Changing directions, he headed off towards town.

Kyle put on an emotionless mask before walking into the costume store. "I need a black cloak. With a hood." He was speaking to the store clerk. The store worker didn't reply to Kyle, but went in the back and comes back out with a cloak that meets Kyle's requirements. "$15 please." The store clerk watched as Kyle left after paying.

Once outside, Kyle put on his new cloak, pulling up the hood as he headed towards the nearest bus stop. "Where does this bus go to?" Kyle was questioning the bus driver. The bus driver in return looks out the door at Kyle and replies in a deep voice, "Starts here in Buffalo and takes you to the state boarder. Stopping here and there to pick up others." Kyle nodded and climbed onto the bus, paying as he passes the driver.

There wasn't anyone else on the bus. Kyle sighed heavily as he sat down in the back of the bus. Closing his eyes, Kyle dozed off into a light sleep.

Kyle woke suddenly, the bus had stopped. Looking out a nearby window, he noticed that they were picking up some drunks in front of a night club. Kyle sighed, now he would never be able to get some sleep.

One of the drunken men walked back towards Kyle. A smug look on his face. The drunk began to speak to him in a slurred voice. "H-hey you." he said, "You better," The drunk stumbled forward as the bus began to move again. "Better move sho that me and them-them." The guy was now in front of Kyle and fell forward, passed out. With a look of disgust, Kyle kicks the man off of him.

Kyle gets off of the bus, deciding to walk the rest of the way. It takes him about an hour, but Kyle finally reaches the edge of town and an old run-down motel. Kyle walks inside, getting a room for 1 night and paying for it before he goes up. Reaching his room, Kyle unlocks and opens the door to room number 5. Once inside, Kyle takes off his cloak.

Kyle lays in the cheap bed. His gun on the small table next to the bed on one side and his sword on the other. As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again, there was a banging at his door...

Kyle opened his eyes as the loud knocking came again. Getting off the bed, Kyle walked over to the door. He looked out the peephole in the door.

Cailen! He opened the door and pulled her in, looking both ways before he closed it again. Kyle turned to her then, "Wha-What are you doing here?!" Cailen sat down on the bed. "I heard on the news what happened at the school. So I went over to your house when I saw you going into the woods. I followed you."

Kyle shook his head. "No, you have to leave Cailen. Its not safe for you to be around me. The cops and who knows who or what else is after me." He looked up at Cailen, a helpless look on his face. "I love you to much to watch you get hurt."

Cailen stood up, walking over to Kyle. "Its okay Kyle. I want to go with you." She paused, kissing him softly before she continued, "Because I love you too."

Kyle stood there, stunned. The girl he'd had a crush on for years, liked him back? This was not possible. He was nobody. But Cailen...Cailen was popular. Kyle sighed once before he spoke again. "If you coming, your going to need something to cover your face. And do you know how to shoot a gun?" Cailen nodded happily. "I came prepared with my own cloak. And yeahh, I know how to use one. My dad taught me." Cailen studied Kyle, "you should rest...Busy and tiring days are to come."

Kyle layed back down on the bed. "You should rest too, Cailen." He closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep with Cailen by his side.

Kyle opened his eyes and closed them quickly. The sun was in his face. This time, more slowly, he opened them. He sighed. Cailen had just gotten here and now he had to make her leave. He knew that the cops would find him soon. Kyle also knew that they were about 5 minutes away.

Kyle turned to Cailen's sleeping form, he began to shake her gently. "Cailen." He said. "We have to go. The cops will be here soon." Cailen sat up quickly and groaned. She'd given herself a headache.

Kyle gathered his things, tossing the gun to Cailen. The sirens could be heard now. Getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer. Kyle turned to unlock the door when the sirens stopped and doors could be heard opening and closing again. Turning back to Cailen, "Get out of here! Get out through the bathroom window. Once out, run as far as you can. I will find you again." Cailen nodded, knowing that there was no reasoning with Kyle right now.

Kyle turned towards the door, sword in hands.

"Come on Kyle. We know your in there. Come out peacefully and no one will get hurt." The cops were calling to him. But Kyle wasn't about to give up. Walking over to the door, he pushes it open before moving back to his original position.

Many cops swarmed into the room, guns all raised to Kyle, who just laughed. "You think you can stop me? You think you can catch me? Go ahead and be my guest!" Once Kyle had the last word out of his mouth, he was in action. Most of them missed, but some hit him, skimming across his skin.

But you, the read, must remember that Kyle knew what was going to happen. He knew what he was doing. For he'd dreamed about it just moments before. Don't forget what Kyle is.

As he was moving about, killing the cops left and right, Kyle had slammed the door shut again. Preventing anyone getting in or out. And in just 2 minutes, 3 of the 10 cops remained, and they were out of bullets.

"What are you going to do now?" Kyle had a smug look on his face as he questioned the cops. Looking at each other they all dropped their guns, they'd given up. And again, at least for now, Kyle had won.

Kyle grabbed hold of one of them. Telling the others to go, who at this point, didn't hesitate. "Whats your name?" Kyle let go of the cop, standing between him and the door. The cop stuttered a reply, "M-M-Mark."

"Okay Mark, Im not going to hurt you. But what I want you to do for me is to tell the others not to shoot. Got it?" Mark nodded and spoke into his intercom attached to his uniform. Kyle spoke again. "Now, we are going out that door, and you are going to walk in front of me. I promised someone I would find her. So lets go."

Mark shielded Kyle from everyone as they moved towards the woods. Kyle stopped. He was hidden amongst the trees now. "Go Mark. If I hear anything or anyone behind me, I won't hesitate to kill them." As Mark ran away, Kyle ran further into the woods. Cailen couldn't have gotten to far. Every few minutes he would call out, "Cailen!" Hoping maybe she would come out. He paused for a moment, "Cai-" Kyle only got half way through what he was saying before Cailen had come out and jumped on him. Making him fall to the ground. He hugged her tightly, "Did they go after you?" Kyle questioned Cailen. She smiled. "No. But I did see that they have dogs in the woods."

Standing up, Kyle helped Cailen to her feet. "Then we need to get out of the woods. But we have to avoid the motel." And with that, they began heading towards the edge of the woods and away from the motel. Neither Kyle nor Cailen knew where they were going. Or where they would end up. But they would be happy as long as they were together.

Kyle pulls his hood to his midnight cloak up to shadow his face. It was pitch black outside and he was looking to steal a car. He knew how to drive and how to hot-wire a car. Turning around to face Cailen, he motions for her to stay put.

Walking across the street calmly, Kyle pulls the plates off the front and back of on car and switches them with the one he plans to take. After disarming the alarm system, Kyle began to pick the lock on the door.

After hearing the satisfying click of the lock, Kyle called Cailen over. "Get in." He whispers to her as he unlocks her door. "Come on...Come on...Start!" Kyle was getting frustrated with the car. It just wouldn't start for him. He'd never had this much trouble before.

"Finally!" He half shouts as the car rumbles to life. Putting the car into drive, he and Cailen slipped away into the shadowy night. No one could stop them now. Cailen watched Kyle for a moment before speaking, "So now that we have a way, where are we going?"

Without taking his eyes off the road, Kyle replies slowly, "I-I don't know. Haven't planned that far ahead." Glancing over at Cailen and back at the road, he continues, "Is there anything you want to get? Anywhere you want to go?" Cailen looks out the window at the passing trees. "Lets go to England. I know someone that will let us stay with him."

Moving towards the interstate, Kyle drove towards the nearest boating docks. England it is... He thought to himself. Next to him, Kyle could hear Cailen fall asleep. At least she is safe...

"Cailen. Cailen. Wake up. You need to tell me directions." Kyle had no problem getting on a boat. Car and all. They'd actually just docked a moment ago.

Cailen stirred at the sound of Kyle's voice. Were they really there already? Yawning as she sat up, Cailen looks over at Kyle and the dark circles under his eyes. "I'll drive. You need to rest for awhile." And without argument, they slipped out of the car and switched sides. It didn't take Kyle long to fall asleep. Starting the car, Cailen drove in the direction of her brothers house, hopefully he'd let them stay. Cailen pulled over to the curb in front of a white house and woke Kyle. Walking up to the house, she knocked on the door and waited.

"So who lives here?" Kyle asks just before the door opens. Cailen answered quietly, "My brother."

At the door stood a man in his 20's. This man wasn't tall, but of normal height. He has brown hair, just like Cailen's. The man smiled when he opened the door. "Cailen! Its been so long!" He moves aside to let Kyle and Cailen in.

Cailen smiles back. "I know Jeremy." She walked inside, following her brother into the house. Kyle walked inside, closing the door behind him. Kyle assumed Jeremy was the name of the brother. All 3 of them moved into the livingroom and sat down. Kyle removed his sword and set it beside him before he sat next to Cailen.

Jemey's eyes went wide at the sight of the weapon. He immediately turned to Cailen, "Who is that? And why are you here?" Cailen just sighed, "Thats Kyle and we are here because..." She went on to explain what went on at school and the hotel. During this time, Kyle said nothing. But Jeremy didn't look very good by the time Cailen finished. "And we need a place to stay. I thought of you, Jeremy, and now we are here."

Jeremy just sat there, looking back and forth between the two. But just as he was about to speak, the front door opened and closed after a moment. Everyone was quiet. All that was heard was the tinkering of keys being sat down. Jeremy sighed softly. Alec was home.

Alec walks around the corner, he spots the sword sitting next to Kyle and faints. Jeremy walks over to Alec,concern on his soft face. After a few minutes, Alec wakes and stands with the help of Jeremy. Turning then to face Kyle and Cailen, Jeremy speaks, "This is my partner. Alec. He lives here with me. And to answer your questions, yes you can stay here until things settle down. You both can stay upstairs in the spare room." As Cailen leaves with Kyle just behind her, they can hear Alec question Jeremy, "Who are they? Why are they staying here?" Neither of them heard the reply, but Kyle had a feeling that their story was about to be told again.

Cailen slips downstairs once Kyle had fallen asleep. "Jeremy?" Cailen calls for her older brother. Walking a bit farther, she spots him and Alec in the kitchen. "I'll um...be upstairs." Alec mumbles softly before slipping quietly from the brightly lit room. "What is it Cailen?" Jeremy questions his little sister as he sits down at the wooden kitchen table. Cailen takes a seat across from him. "It seems like you don't want us here. To me, it feels like your disappointed in me..." She doesn't meet Jeremy's eyes. Jeremy could tell that this was really bothering Cailen. Sighing softly, Jeremy answers. "I want you to be safe. Your my little sister! What am I supposed to do? Send you back to America?" He shakes his head slowly. "Im not disappointed in you, but what you've gotten yourself involved in."

Cailen feels the tear run down her face. "Im sorry Jeremy. I love Kyle. I really do. And if you don't want us here, then we can leave. Find someplace else to stay." Jeremy leans forward and wipes the tear off his baby sister's face. "I can't do that. Your my baby sister. I don't want you to get hurt. So your stay here. Both of you." He offers Cailen a smile. "Im going to get some sleep. We've had a rough couple days." Standing, Cailen smiles back at her brother and pushes in her chair. Turning slowly, she walks up the stairs and into the room she was sharing with Kyle.

Cailen crawls quietly into the bed. She slips slowly under the warm covers. Cailen lays her head down on the pillow, falling into a deep and well-deserved sleep.

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