And yet you cling to us in desperation, and we can't seem to get rid of you. The clincher is, however, that you have absolutely nothing in common with us. *Sighs* Though I would have it that I didn't know why you continued to hang around. It disturbs me to no end the way you act around us. I fear that that superiority complex of yours will be the end of you. Not that an end to seeing you every day bothers me. Because here I sit, thinking of how wonderful it would be to have nothing to do with you. Never having to see that smug look on your face every time something you do is corrected. Pure bliss. Above everything is that lately, you've been copying me. Working your a** off to get good grades. Commendable. The way you brag about it... not so much.
What really irks me is that you've suddenly taken up the things I do in my spare time. Such as drawing, and writing. Neither of which you have any talent in. I've read and corrected your stories without comment. I have seen the sad excuses for art you have drawn, and said nothing. Believe me, they are beyond a critique. Maybe it's arrogance, on my part. To give a reason as to why I feel that my "territory" is being imposed upon. Or the simple fact that I no longer feel that unique. Telling me that I shouldn't be able to draw so well. Silently implying that I've traced everything. I resent such a remark. Deeply resent it. And my writing is something you should have never said anything about, but you did.
I ask the readers a question now. What significance does the phrase "peachy keen" have to you? It seemed like something bad, and utterly stupid to her. "Why do you have that in there? It sounds strange." Well, your face is strange. I will admit to my writing being imperfect and in need of revising. But scrutinizing a small phrase in the first sentence of a story is pushing it. I like my stories, and you don't have to. But when I have gone through your rubbish to make it far greater than should have ever been allowed, without thanks, what does she deserve? You ask me to say something about your drawings... and I can't. I fear that if I opened my mouth, nothing good would come of it. For it would be your unwanted truth.
The thing that I do wish for, is that I could know what could possibly lead you to believe that what you have is any good? Yes, of course it's yours. And often what people do that they have never done before is impressive to them. But when your against someone like me... your playing a losing game. You throw your art in people's faces, I let them ask to see it. My belief is that if they think your that good, they'll want to see it and ask about it without so much as a hint. I know you don't like me. Likewise. But you can't take my place. 'Cause I'm already here. And you are not welcome. Leave me and my friends alone, or I will tell you to leave.
My friends will know whom I speak of. The rest of you... will just have to speculate.
Einhaender · Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 12:58am · 0 Comments |