The name given to me was: [Davina "Darling" Serneholt] The passing years have gone I would have to say I'm: [16] I reach this high into the clear sky: [5"6] I hope you can tell I'm a: [Female] My Element Is: [Light] I wield these in my defence: [Gun] These things give me pleasure: [Candy, Flirting, Games, Shopping, Combat, Friends, Summer, The Beach & Sea] These things make me gag: [Jerks, Insensitivity, Nieves, Death of Friends, Mind Games, Being a Burden] People have told me I am: [I can be stubborn under the right circumstances, plus a bit of a flirt. I also am playful, flirty, fickle, energetic, head-strong and ambitious. I also get bored very easily, and can get amused twice as easily. I am very emotional too, this sometimes causes problems when it comes down to things such as battle. I also will tend to grow quiet with thought, which is unusual for me. Pretty much I'm your typical girl. Oh, and I get flustered easily when it comes to interacting with people I actually take an interest in, and get a bit bashful when it comes to actual romance with guys I like. Bravery is one of my specialty's, I usual like going on full force, though always have to look before I leap now a days. If someone says something cruel, I can get hurt by it, usually going to the nearest roof, or docile area I can find. For some reason, I am very philosophical too, it freaks me out quite a bit. I dislike causing trouble, and being a burden, it isn't hard to get to me. ] My past is like: [I went away for two years, to do some work with my powers, o and because I had to move away. I left some close friends behind, and hope to re-unite with them. That's if I can find them. Over the two years I've change a lot, and not just physically, lets just say i went from dweebish girl with a stick figure to what you see now, so it may be hard to recognize me. I've become quite the charmer, says my Mom. I have no idea what she means, I am just me. So, be prepared those who may have forgotten, your little Darling is back Now...just to find Kai...and maybe even see if I can find a few others.} My see my true reflection: [Tempting Peek] I am controlled by [Tatsu_The_Dragon]
Tatti-desu · Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 09:18pm · 0 Comments |