Teeth: Where to start... Okay, I got my braces off on the 19th of December, and then I got my retainers. Retainers suck! On the 27th, I got my three wisdom teeth pulled. The third day, my cheeks swelled a ton and I looked like a chipmunk. They are still puffy, and I really hope I don't have to go to school tomorrow because it's uber embarrassing. When I got home from the oral surgeons right after my surgery, I blacked out because of blood loss. Also, one still hurts. I woke up in the middle of the night one day drooling, and thought nothing of it. Then when I woke up: go to the bathroom...get a drink...look in the mirror-WTF?! Ya' know how ya' drool, and it makes a trail from the corner of your mouth to your chin, or if you sleep like I do, to the middle of your cheek? Well yeah, that was a trail of bloody drool. I opened up one of the wisdom tooth hole wound thingies and it bled all night.
Hiccups. OMFG. I had damn hiccups from 7 PM one night, until like an hour before the new year which was the next day/night and they hurt! The violent hiccups caused me to have chest pains. I got them to stop several times by doing something some would call meditating, but when the sun went down, it didn't work anymore. My nose itched, so instead of shoving something up it, I used the bony part at the bottom of my palm and squished my nose. I got a nosebleed, and I stopped hiccuping. =D Good thing, because I had already slammed my head into the tiled wall several times begging to God to get rid of the hiccups. They were that bad. x.x
Christmas: Now to see what I wanted for Christmas last year, and compare the list with what I got this year!
Nov. 27, 04
My Real Life Wish List:
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes -what a crappy game-
Grappling Hook
Classic Hobo Tool
Stealth Warrior Set
Triple Thrower Set
Dragon Naginata
Black Daito
Hellboy DVD
The Last Samurai DVD
Kill Bill Vol. 1+2 DVD
Return of the King special edition DVD
Cowboy Bebop DVDs
Trigun DVDs
.HACK//Sign DVDs
Trigun Manga
Witch Hunter Robin CD
Dell Laptop with wireless DSL internet connection
Striked out means I got them before Christmas, underlined I got on Christmas.
Still wanting that laptop. >>;
Some things I got that weren't on that list (and were because I'm too lazy to pick them out):
Peacemaker Kurogane DVD Boxed Set, Cowboy Bebop Complete Series on DVD that's a bootleg of a bootleg, Black Shuriken with awesome case thingy, prayer beads that resemble Miroku's, a phone for my room, Hellsing manga 1+2, Trigun Maximum manga 1-3, dark grey Harley Biker Goggles, a Biohazard pendant for my nifty metal necklace, a black shirt that says SLACKER and has one of those stick people guys playing a video game, lotta' cash that I bought the Hellsing series on DVD, Hellsing Wallscroll, and Trigun Wallscroll with, annnnnnd I think that's everything. Oh yeahz, Angie got me the Black Catscratch Hat and my secret santa got me the Purple/Blue Sun Visor that I sold to help my Kiki Quest.
Kiki Quest: I didn't realize I was questing for it until I got to 20k I think, >>, but I got in a bid war with someone over a Kiki that started at 16k. Every bid I made had 666 in it, so basically I raised it 1k each bid. I was thinking that the person would maybe be intimidated by the 666, and I wasn't being serious on buying that specific Kiki. It got up to 24,666 before the person quit, and I was kinda' disappointed my 666 theory didn't work. I looked up the person's name, and she was DevilsTail. That really explains why my theory didn't work xd . Anyway, it was down to 17 minutes, and the person cancelled the auction. She put it back in with 25k as a starting bid, and I complained about her greedy-bitchness to her face in a PM. It didn't work, so I PMed Shou-Shou and she sent me 5k to buy a Kiki that wasn't the greedy girl's. I was like O_O and then I bought a Kiki, and within a day payed back Shou-Shou! *all thanks to a Pink Link at the Poll Guild I belong to!*
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