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The Boring Life of Melissa
My Journal is hopefully going to be a update on my life. I really hope I'll be able to remember to update often, even though I doubt anyone will read it.
Just an Update
It's been a while since I last updated so here goes. Rant of my life. I'll start with the positive things I suppose. Well, chronological order? Yeah. That works. Anyways, first, EMILIE AUTUMN IS COMING TO ATLANTA IN 11 DAYS! Woot! Dance everyone! I'm actually pretty excited about it. And by 'pretty excited' I mean ABOUT TO PASS OUT WITH HAPPINESS. Lol. I'm probably going to stick out like a sore thumb because I don't look this weird emo people who have all the multi colored hair and the way too tight jeans, etc. I look plain and boring. Pale. Curly, light brown hair. Blue eyes. Just ordinary. Oh well. I wish I had some sexy outfit to wear! Like an awesome corset or something!!! Lol. I wish.
Second. I'm going to Six Flags with Christina for her birthday. I'm SO EXCITED! I haven't been to Six Flags since before my dad died. I'm really eager to ride some rides. I love rides. Roller coasters are great.
Third. I am getting a new comforter set for my bed. It's so pretty. A lot of the costumers who bought it said (I read the reviews.) that it wasn't the same color as it is on the website, but it still seems pretty. I'm TRYING to put a link (|65649 ) Anyways, yeah. I am excited about that.
Fourth. I got new shoes! They are awesome Converse. I know I already have a pair, but these are different. They are so pretty. AND they have my favorite color: grey. I wonder if anyone will be nice enough to actually click the links... I hope at least one person does. Please? Someone?
Fifth. I have a new really good friend from school. His name is Robert. I really like him. I think he's cute, but he thinks he is ugly. That's how I really learned about his existence last year. We were supposed to describe ourselves and he said 'Yo soy muy feo y gordo' I totally disagree. Anyways, this year, I started skipping lunch because I couldn't handle seeing Jerami and HER together. One day, I was so upset and I started venting to Robert. He was still like a stranger to me, but I was surprised when he actually listened and calmed me down. Then I started skipping lunch with him every day. He just kinda read while I sat there. One day, Brandon started following me to 'lunch' (the library). Then Brandon and I would talk while Robert read. Then one Monday, I started ranting to him in Spanish class. I ranted about my life and my depression and how I hurt myself, used to be anorexic, hate myself, and want to kill myself. After that, we became really good friends. Instead of reading in the library, we would talk. Recently, I started passing him notes during class and eventually I gave him my cell number and now we text. However, we text very rarely. He doesn't look at his phone that often.
Sixth. My friend Gabby is writing a story! I'm in it! I'm the evil leader of the bad guy werewolf clan! Lol. That's so me. Anyways, Robert is in the story as well. He is my henchman. He is a bear. Well, he can turn into a bear. At first, I just had a pet bear, but then Gabby made it to where Robert is the bear. Lol. I'm really anxious to see how the story will turn out. I think Gabby is going to pair mine and Robert's characters... I probably won't mind.
Seventh. I have a chorus partner! He is a new dude named Caleb. I like him. He is cool and tall and nice. He spikes his hair up, which I haven't seen anyone do since like kindergarten! I think it's cool though. He goes to Zero Period and everything. I am a chorus nerd, so I was desperate for a partner, but I think I made a good choice.
Eighth. I'M GETTING CHORUS VOICE LESSONS FROM MS. DAVIS! I'm SOOOOOO happy! Listen to the story of how I got them! So, Ms. Davis was walking her dog and my mom drove by. Ms. Davis waved at my mom and my mom drove away. Then mom realized it was Ms. Davis that she saw and turned around and drove back to her. Mom told her that she is my cousin Brandi's aunt. Ms. Davis LOOOVED Brandi. She is one of her favorite students ever. Anyway, then mom told her that I loved chorus and really wanted voice lessons. Ms. Davis said that she had no more days open on her schedule, but she would make a day just for me because I was Brandi's cousin! Mom texted me and told me that she had gotten me voice lessons. At first I didn't believe her, but it turns out she really did! Lessons start this Thursday at five. That is the biggest positive news of all.
Ninth is negative. I have THREE b's! I can't believe it. I am so disappointed in myself. I was an all A student last year and now I'm stupid! However, I am taking two AP classes and Math so... I might be doing relatively well.
Tenth. MY SISTER HAS THE SWINE FLU! My older sister, Amber, has the Swine Flu. We found out on Friday. We all have to take this medicine so we don't get it. I'm really worried about her and I hope she gets better soon.
I'm done. That was a loooong update. I hope people will actually read it. The whole thing. Links included. I like to feel like people are actually interested in my pointless life, so please read and stick around for more updates. Goodbye for now and I hope you enjoyed this little insight into My Life.