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View User's Journal

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face the facts , im writing more since im bored at this time now.

Single, taken?
Single, but not looking.

Anyone you like?
no not really :'c

You stalkin' anyone?
Mohawk boy. redface

Running for anything?
secretary so vote for me fggrts. mad mad :X

any taste in guys?
they have to be tan, or at least my colour, it turns me on if i can see a little mohawk in there hair, but not a real big one& if their in nerd glasses. obbyy. redface redface redface

so yea, thats some of the s**t. o:
im too lazy to center is too so yea x_x
-Angelic marieee(:
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those are my initials.
(angelic is A and my last name is F)