Momoko was in a room with Ryoko and it looked like she wanted to tell Momoko something. Momoko asked Ryoko, “What is it, Ryoko-Chan? Is everything all right?” Ryoko looks up at Momoko with her pink eyes, “Momoko-Chan, I’m alright. It’s just that…that… I-I love you.” Ryoko was blushing, “I love you, Momoko. More then you’ll ever imagine.” Momoko blushed when she heard this, “Ryoko……I……” Ryoko asked, “How do you feel about me? Be honest! Do you love me?” Momoko nods, “Yes, Ryoko. I love you” Ryoko and Momoko kissed each other as the image started to fade.
A few years past and Ryoko was on her way to the hospital dying by being shot by a psycho fan boy, who wanted Ryoko all to himself. The boy was also taken to the hospital in a body bag because he shot himself after shooting the one he wanted the most. Momoko was in the ambulance with her and she was crying. Momoko begged as she continued to cry, “Please hang in there, Ryoko. Please don’t die on me. I have so much to tell you. Please…DON’T GO! I love you, Ryoko.” Ryoko weakly touched her girlfriend’s cheek, “Please…don’t cry… I love you…more then…life itself… I-I’ll be…back…when you…go into…the future… I’ll still…be…Pink Kitten…in my n-next… My…Blue Bunny…be…strong…” Ryoko cast a spell letting her be born again and be the right age when she meets Momoko again. Ryoko took her hand off of Momoko’s cheek and took her pink kitten pendent off. As she gave it to Momoko she says, “Give this…to me…w-when…we…meet…a-again……” Ryoko’s hand fell to the side of her bed and she closed her pink eyes for the last time.
Momoko wakes up crying and takes the pink kitten pendent out of her breast pocket of her blue and white polka dot pajamas. Momoko sadly whispers to it, “Ryoko, where are you? Please come back to me.” Momoko looks at the clock and gets up. She changes into a blue, pink, and black plad jumper with a blue shirt. She puts on her knee high black boots with rainbow laces. She placed the pink kitten pendent next to her own blue bunny pendent.
Momoko found everyone in the kitchen eating some sort of cereal. Momoko poured a bowl of cereal for herself and joined them at the table. Everyone noticed that Momoko looked sad as she was eating her cereal in silence. Panju asked, “Did you have a bad dream?” Momoko just nods and kept eating her cereal. Panju asks, “What did you dream about?” Momoko replied after sticking her spoon back into the bowl of cereal, “I dreamed about Ryoko.” Taki gently spoke, “Wasn’t she the last Kitten?” Momoko nods, “Yes, she was. Ryoko was also my girlfriend. She was shot by some crazy fan boy who wanted her to fall in love with him and not me. I was the last one who talked to her. Ryoko promised me that she would meet up with me in this life. And on the day I would return her pink kitten pendent to her reincarnation.”
Rikou closed her eyes and sees Momoko standing over begging him to stay. Soon the image faded and he was standing in front of a mirror in Ryoko’s old room. Rikou saw a girl with pink eyes and long black hair and thick, ribbon like, blue highlights. She was wearing the same the same school uniform Momoko was wearing the day they met her. Rikou thinks, ‘This girl must be Ryoko. Does that make me…?’ He felt nervous as she blushed and says to herself in the mirror, “Momo…I-I… Momoko…I…love you.” The image fades as Ryoko kept practicing what she was going to say to the one she loves. Rikou opens his eyes, “Momoko...” Momoko looks at Rikou from the kitchen sink washing her bowl, “Yes, Rikou? What is it?” Rikou blushed, N-nothing...“ Taki looks at Rikou, “Why is your face red?” Rikou stands up and cleans his dirty dishes before leaving the room. Momoko watched Rikou go to his room and heard the door to his room closed with a loud bang. Taki snaps, “What’s his problem anyway? I just asked why his face was red!” No one answered Taki’s question for no one knew the answer.
Rikou was standing in front of the mirror wearing the same uniform he saw Ryoko wear in his mind. Rikou was still blushing as he whispers, “Wow… It still fits me after all of these years.” Then he spoke in a low voice so that no one could hear him, “Momoko…I’m… Momoko…I’m b-back… I’m back just like I promised…”
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