Teen love last forever. I swear love at twwweeennss is fake. But emotions surely run deep at a young age - i'm thinking it's the cause of teenage angst? Kind of how you feel all loved and happy but you kind of yearn for something else. And it seems like every teenage is having the same boy problem. I just think they want to say they atleast have a bf or gf. They just need that so they don't look like a loner.
But guilt is starting to rise and I know how to handle it. I don't even want to tell my friends what i've been doing. It makes me feel like that b***h you see in Meangirls. I don't think it's bad. I mean. It's almost like a conspiracy.
Two people are going to end up mad or hurt just to get the other two happy.
Because we want real love.
NinteyDegrees_South · Fri Jan 01, 2010 @ 09:41pm · 1 Comments |