I see you came back for some more of the story, well fine, I will tell you what you wish to know. After a while of being with Selene again just speaking for now and being with one another, she asked if I had wanted to be with her again, I had told her yes but it would have to be some time before I would be with her again, so she told me she would wait for me, but only for a small time. I agreed with her and she took a vow of guarding ship for me to protect me for anything and to grant my wishes. But at her own price, the price of her angelic voice, she could no longer speak unless I wished it which I normally did when she was with me.
So now being my guardian and waiting for me she could only communicate with bells, that were strung in her long black hair, that's how she spoke to other people and showed emotions. But in time she kept asking when I would be ready, I just needed a couple of days to get myself together after all I had been through but then she told me she wouldn't wait forever so I finally made my mind up and told her I no longer wished her to be my guardian, she thought I didn't want her, but as my final wish I wished we were together.
So now after finally getting back together with my old long time love, I was happy, I felt good and we decided that we together would open the old establishment back up again, it had been a long time, but we got it up and running again. The name you say, why it's simple, "Guilty Pleasures: House of Sinful Desires". We finally had what seemed to be our old life again and we enjoyed our time together, but then there was a problem.
This old friend of Selene's showed himself to her once more, I had always had a bad feeling for this man ever since he had became her friend. I seemed to have been the only one who noticed the way he looked at her and spoke to her, but did anyone listen, of course not. But his name was Kin, Selene's friend, so I was nice to him, so I wouldn't upset Selene, boy did that change . While I was out one day Kin spoke to Selene and finally spoke up telling her his true feelings he had.
Soon after I came back I was told of this and my blood boiled within my very veins, I seem to have told Selene it was either me or him, and it was him for now. I left the place and Selene and I broke apart again for the second time. Well...I can see this is leaving you on the edge of your seats, so I suppose I will have to stop here. Ever need a story of death, lies, lust and sin, come see me and I'll tell you a tale.
Metal Trsu · Sun Mar 05, 2006 @ 09:46pm · 0 Comments |