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View User's Journal

“Is it really such a crime for an angel to speak his mind..?!”

I stood watching both men go at it, except I could tell that unlike the other times something more was to be expected this time. Blake seemed more animated this time, his dark eyes seemed to harden over, his once calm and collected aura had shifted. The leader stood, shock apparent that someone, muchless Blake, would dare speak out against him.
“Its never enough, you can’t keep pushing us like this we’re not your slaves! I fail to understand how you can remain in control..!”
Blake continued his rant and it had attracted onlookers, that included myself and Aura which would have dire consequences if word of this altercation got back to Eirik. It seemed that Blake had spoken enough before the other male ended the argument with a swift blow to his stomach, all at once he fell and as soon as the supervisor had walked away I ran to help Blake.