was able to sleep cuz the windows stayed open and the air from the fan was cooler and helped mask the sound in the ear. woke up to it being much cooler but i know it wont last
alright my 4th day doing these drops and i just cant tell if theres been improvement cuz this damn sound in my ear is still there like idgi earwax cannot be my problem. it has to be tinnitus/hearing loss from the earbuds ********
i know nothing will be better on saturday or sunday so i'll just have to tell dad so he takes me to that other place he wants
idk putting this s**t in my ear makes it more clogged, ******** it i'll just tilt my head and then let it drain out instead of using the cotton. putting the water in to clear it out did nothing now when i shake my head i can hear/feel it
i just want it gone but i know it wont. if it was truly temporary it would've been gone by now. also now i remember im pretty sure i had this during girly goth runway which would've been july 9th and that tells me i had this prior to that too. god this must've started even earlier than i remember
hannibal montana · Fri Jul 21, 2023 @ 07:53pm · 0 Comments |