And the week's nowhere near over yet. ._.;
Real life activities ~ Schedule's been rough on me... simply because it's the first week of school, I'm having a really tough time adjusting to college life again after such a relaxing time with the family over christmas break.
Still sore as heck after rock climbing Tuesday and working out at the gym Monday night... then the DDR both Tuesday and Wednesday... I'm completely insane, and it's not like I've been able to keep my energy levels up lately. I think I need more sugar in my diet.
I found out that my 6PM class on Wednesdays is actually one of those self-paced courses, so I don't even need to show up every week! All I need to do is take the 5 unit quizzes and the final exam for Stats209, and I'm all done with it! I figure that once I have the statistics book, I can go ahead and finish that off quickly before o-chem and bio take over my life.
If you don't know how to read college schedules, or don't really care about what my days shape up to be, skip ahead to the next paragraph.
Quote: MF CH335 1100-1150 BI212 1300-1350 TR ART115 0900-1150 ECON202 1300-1450 ART205 1800-1920 W BI212(L) 0800-1050 CH335 1100-1150 BI212 1300-1350 ST209 1800-1950 Need to drive up to Portland with Kathy this Friday... I left my statistics book up there, along with my labcoat. She asked whether she could borrow it so that she didn't have to pay the $17 to get a new one from the bookstore, which is fine with me.
I'm gonna call my parents up tomorrow and tell them I'd be popping by, but we'll see. I don't want to end up stuck in Portland, due to the danger of snow this weekend. Don't know if snowboarding is still on with Jodi... I'm going to have to call her too.
To: Chi and Embie Subject: DDR hottie *you know who I'm talking about* Body: *Ooooh, guess what!! I played DDR with Matt again today, and of course he was still obsessed with AAA-ing Hold onto me. He managed to do it two tries after I left for bio class, but that wasn't the *cute* part. I sat down during a DDR break and cracked out both my CD player and Newtype JPN magazine. He sat next to me and I made a comment that I was working on learning the words to Eternal Snow from Full Moon Wo Sagashite, with me conveniently forgetting that FMWS is his favorite anime series. I start singing without realizing it, and then halfway through the first verse, he comments that I sound really pretty. ^^ Also, while I was reading Newtype, he was leaning right over my left shoulder!! *SQUEE!!!* Needless to say, my day was muchos happier after that!*
Gaia-related activities ~ I have absolutely no energy to be on Gaia anymore. All I do is sign on, see PMs, read and answer, then sign off again. There's simply no point to being on at all. I'm nowhere near motivated enough to touch the GEN, though I'm still working on Scoop.
I am at that point where coming onto Gaia is practically a chore. I know I'm gonna have to force myself to do -something- tomorrow after anime club, but what? I thought my spirit had healed a bit, but apparently, it seems to be as broken as ever. I can't even motivate myself to play Maple Story anymore. I just don't have the energy to waste on such things anymore; not now.
Seeing as I haven't even written what my new years' resolutions are yet, I might as well tell you now. 1- No boyfriends until summer, minimum
2- Reduce the amount of stress in my life
To me, #2 is the big one. How many times have I lain awake at night, worrying about what I had to do for the GEN, worrying about friends, worrying about things I shouldn't have to? Far too many, in my opinion. Again, it's times like these when I wish I could just leave and never come back, but it inevitably sucks me back in again, and I also have that annoying "dedication" trait in me that never lets me leave.
It's a dangerous trend. I love how no matter what I write here, it doesn't affect how friends look at me. I'm thankful that everyone understands that being one active updater out of two makes it really hard on my life, because even to right at this moment, I'm still surprised I hadn't just given up back in September.
What would happen, hypothetically, if I just gave up and left one day, never to return? I think... that people would be sad for awhile, but one can't dwell on the past forever. The whole point of life is moving on, so I can rest assured that I'd be forgotten someday.
Not intending to test that theory out for a long while... or am I?...
*snuggles Trilly*
Aquafire · Thu Jan 06, 2005 @ 09:20am · 5 Comments |