Right, School is s**t and ok on all days. Let me show my timetable...
Mon: Maths, English, Break, French, Lunch, Science, ICT
Tue: Science, Media, Break, Maths, Lunch, Citizenship, English
Wed: French, Maths, Break, ICT, Lunch, English, Science
Thu: Media, PE, Break, PE, Lunch, Science, French
Fri: ICT, English, Break, Media, Lunch, Science, ICT
Sound Boring? Yes. Its worse when ur there. Maths is boring, I am falling behind cos i jus cannot get into it. English is good unless you have a whole corner of chavs chucking hoardes of stuff at you throughout and you have alot of coursework from last year still to do. Breaks Fine smile . French is good except when some freak reminds you of your embarresingly cheesy past school life and you have coursework from the last year still to complete. Lunch is fine except when you are catching up for work. Science is crap with Mr Barker on Mon and Thur but ok with mrs mallows. blabla bla bla bla u get the picture
Free Byrd · Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 05:01pm · 0 Comments |