Is it suddenly there, or has it been growing? I have this horrible feeling and it won't go away. Everyone seems to take me for granted, or ignore me completely. It's like Brooke is the only one who really cares. I'm always just the wierd guy, like nothing I say is serious, and it's all a big joke. I'm the ******** VICE PRESIDENT of the Writing Club and no one listens to me. I'm quitting as of next meeting. ******** Journalism class too. ******** english class, ******** math, ******** all of it. God, it pisses off and depresses me so much! I'm just the guy who sits there and has no thoughts of his own. I'm morethan what I say! njxfo;n'xz nmkjozn cxklnjko'lnmjk l'!!!
It's just so horribly frustrating. You accept me right, Brooke? You know there's more to me than the jokes I make, and the things I say, right? Because I don't think I could go on living if you didn't.
Captain_Cynic · Thu Oct 05, 2006 @ 11:29pm · 1 Comments |