nyah... played bridge till 6 again. and i have a freakin science test tom which consists of 80% of 70% of our grade, which is more than half our final grade. sh!t. mad must study... but i have a bunch of bull hw that i hafta do. bcuz i procrastinate. doesnt life suck? of course it does. i must study!!! geez, im in 8th grade, but he teaches, what, high school earth science? freakin annoying. sooooo hard, plus two of my friends failed last times test. =[ i hope they do better this time... one of my friends needs a 100 to get an overall 90 average. waaaaa wtf... i calculated it for him. he needs a 100 on the test, as well as 4 extra credit. i mean, wtf. so stupid. the science teach PICKS on him. its so unfair, just because he failed. i got so pissed at the teacher. why should he care? ur not puttin ur job on the line, why would you care if he failed? and you make stupid jokes. wtf. besides, its not lyk he feels any better from it. *curses excessively* grrr... and my other friend (who got a 95, yay =]) got EXTREMELY pissed at him today. i dont even know why, shes usually so tolerant. im really scared somethings wrong, and im missing it completely bcuz im such a ditz, im so afraid its my fault too... wah. *sigh* betta study and finish my hw, so, bi.
silvasylph575 · Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 12:31am · 0 Comments |