These people aren't stupid. Praise them. |
severelyconfused111 Icy Hearts </3<3<3 CHURCH [wall] STATE Just like that. Total seperation. Our country is not a theocracy.Not everyone believes in the same god.gods.no god.
<3 <3 <3 Hear, hear. Beautifully said.
[******** feminists. Because of them, I have to get a job, go to school, go to jail and vote. Curse them.
Elf Lord Chiewn maggie_the_vampire Quote: .........*Smacks forehead.* I know you plan on this being a serious discussion of how you and others are supposedly vampires....... but..... really? The ED?Thread really belong here? sweatdrop Just wanna warn before you get seriously flamed. Well, why not? This is the part where we suggest one of two things: some manner of evidence (read: SOURCES PLOX), or some manner of serious therapy.
pidgezero_one da_shortness Having a child forces you to grow up, you can just no longer do the things teenagers do. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Don't get a false sense of security. Giving a baby to an irresponsible person won't make them a responsible parent. It'll make then an irresponsible person with a baby.
Lexia_Starr Quite frankly, I find your entire post to be stereotyping, sexist, judgmental, self-righteous and just plain offensive.
First and foremost, childbearing is a choice. Not a requirement, not an obligation, a choice. I find it antiquated, fascist and sexist to say otherwise. A female's "womanhood" is not solely collected in her v****a and what goes in and comes out of it. I don't need to pop out little shits to embrace, accept and express my femininity. Quite frankly, I think it's an unimaginative cop-out to say being a mommy is the only way to be a true woman.
Then we have your "weird obsessions" theory. This is where I think the majority of your self-righteousness and ridiculous judgments are based. Who the hell are you to determine what anyone "should" do with their lives. How they "should" feel about animals. How they "should" feel about their job. How they "should" feel about their interests. How they "should" interact with their S/O or spouse. What they "should" do with their time. Honestly, get the f**k over yourself. There is no "should". It's a free country.
If someone wants to treat their cats, dogs, birds, rats, monkeys or whatever else kinds of pets they choose to have like children, who are you to say that's wrong? Why are they "supposed" to only love and dote on human children? Why are animals not "supposed" to be loved? What makes them inferior and less deserving of care and devotion? I am so sick of human elitism.
If someone wants to devote their life to their job or hobby, who are you to tell them they're wrong? What makes it inherently "wrong"? Why are hobbies only "supposed" to be "liked"? Jobs and hobbies are generally things that you do yourself with your set of skills and talents to accomplish things. Popping out kids is hardly a skill, talent or accomplishment. It's nature and biological function. It doesn't take any kind of specialized ability and billions of people do it every single day in the same exact way. Please tell me how that's so much more valid than the Mona Lisa or the invention of Microsoft. Or are you going to say that those things are the product of Bill and Leo's parents. In which case I'm going to say, living vicariously through your offspring because you yourself have no talent, skill or passion to accomplish things in your own life is pretty damn pathetic.
Mythopoeia sunshineeee What is it with everyone saying not to give a beanbag to a 5 year old?!
I'd give my little brother a bean bag, and he's 5. I think he'd enjoy that.
And, I had one before the age of 5.
What. The. Hell. I concur. It's a ******** BEANBAG, people. It's like one of the most harmless objects in the COSMOS.
Icy Hearts · Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 02:31am · 1 Comments |