Wep tOday's kinDa fUn cAuse wE hAve all thEse mOnthly cOllectibles goIng on... anyways I was plAnning to sAve mAh gOlds fOr mAh quEst bUt mAh swEet lil friEnd (boa_kwon 96320) wAntEd a UFO so I used aLL mAh gOld tO bUy her One.. she alSo wAnted a thEme smilar tO miNes sO I mAde hEr One tOday... yOu gUYs shOUld gO chEck it Out and leave meh and her a cOmment abOut wAt chu all thiNk... wEp thATs preTty mUch wAt I did tOdAy... (^-^)
NkaUj_Hm0ob Community Member |