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Your Random Information For The Day.
This subject is the 3 big butt baboons. They will eat your lunch for Saturday and will throw poop at you!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will burn!!!!!!! burning_eyes

January- You will have a big butt baboon stalk you. eek
February- Your random fact is you will find a pencil on the ground. mrgreen
March- You will have a great day if your a BABOON. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA rofl
April- EAT MORE CHICKEN domokun
May- You will have a cow. biggrin
June- You will read Your Random Information For The Day razz
July- You will step in lama spit. dramallama
August- You will see a person named Andrew ninja
September- Kachow blaugh
October- You will cry a river cry
November- You will find a bus and sit in it. twisted
December- You will finally have an idea to go be a supasta. talk2hand

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