A wicked wand....a story of magic chapter four |
Leeley wasn't thinking about her home as she walked north to find answers she didn't think about it because she didn't want to think about the man she once called father and if he came home and she wasn't there she still loved him though and the more she thought about him the more she hated him, for leaving and for lying to her, she didn't know where her father was..since the night of her birthday he had been missing, leeley thought he looked scared, so she didn't think about him or her home..she didn't even look back she trudged forward trying not to think or cry.
Two hours of walking the same way she hit a crossroads while she was thinking of which way to go, a cart pulled up in front of her, need a ride? said a boy about her age, yes please ,she replied, where are you going??? the four boys each said their piece, the driver boy said, On a Journey ,he seemed older than she was, then two boys apperantly the same age, said in unison Away from school and on to adventure! the last boy,the one that was her age , said i'm going to find my peice of mind and my piece of magi..just then the oldest boy , the one driving the cart, grabbed the others mouth and kept him from speaking.
When an hour had passed she asked their names, one of the boys said I'm Peter and I'm fifteen, he had long blond-red hair that covered his eyes, leeley thought he looked like her father or the man that once was...she though that man was the most handsome man ever, leeley said ,well peter i think you look just like my fath...the man that took care of me...then another boy spoke,the one that was peters age, I'm Jax Oairn and i'm fifteen too, this boy looked strange to her, he had pointy ears and green hair and eyes, leeley thought he looked like a pixie...so she laughed, then the boy driving perked up and said, I'm the leader of this band of gorrilas, leeley laughed, this boy seemed to like attention then he said, my name is Tebias and I'm sixteen, she thought this boy looked smart, he had black hair and he had red flaring eyes, now the last boy said...hi.....I'm Devon and I'm thirteen, she thought this boy was shy, he had brown hair and lots of freckles and gray eyes, then Tebias asked her who she was and where she came from and she said, my name is Leeley and i'm thirteen, at this Devon's eyes shimmered, i'm coming from my home..or at least the home i knew....the people i thought were my parents weren't so i left....i want to find my real parents. as they rolled further away from the only home she knew...she knew that she had found friends.
Golin · Sat Feb 17, 2007 @ 11:10pm · 3 Comments |