GOTH-GIRL MEETS GOTH-BOY Love? gothgirl meets gothboy falls instantly in love with him gothboy has no idea gothgirl tells him she likes him gothboy says aren't you glad you told me gothgirl relieved. MONTH LATER gothgirl asked him out gothboy said,"no for now but don't take it in a bad way" gothgirl wants to commit suicide TWO WEEKS LATER gothgirl tells gothboy she loves him gothboy says in baby voice i love you too VALINTINE'S DAY gothgirl kisses gothboy on the cheek he's a living statue and blushing COUPLE OF DAYS GOTHGIRL KISSES GOTHBOY ON CHEEK UNTIL..... A WEDENSDAY gothgirl invites gothboy to hangout gothboy tells gothgirl who he likes gothgirl not impressed gothboy notices she is unhappy or more like gonk scream stressed domokun gothboy says,"its not your fault you love me. its my fault i have no feelings for you.we're only human" gothgirl pulls out safty pin and about to cut herself. gothboy takes safty pin away and says if you trully love me you would stop cutting yourself." gothgirl is like evil than gothgirl cries. SATURDAY gothboy has a show with his band.gothgirl is upfront cuz of her friends pushed her there. it was torture. A FEW WEEKS LATER....
gothgirl asks gothboy if he yells at the girls that like him and he don't. and it is a yes. so why doesn't he yell at gothgirl?cuz she is his friend. gothgirl thinks of asking gothboy to yell at him so he can tear and crush every feeling for him AND she asks when she said :love you and he says me too or love you too did you really mean it?" he tells her that every time he said love you too or me too he meant that Sarcastically............ what do u think?pm for ur questions/comments
Tukuya_Datenshi · Thu Mar 08, 2007 @ 02:02am · 1 Comments |