Da Pyro It's called flood control. The time limit is in place to keep people from spamming excessively, getting too much gold from said spam, and a**-raping the economy with inflation. It's not even that long of a wait. Contrary to popular belief, your head will not explode if you don't post every two seconds. Be patient.
Frazzled Panda This is a copy and past if you wont to read the whole thing, Mind you its very long. But here is a link http://altmusic.about.com/od/genresstyles/p/emo.htmThe Birth of Emo: Emo was born in the late 1980s as an outgrowth of the hardcore punk movement in Washington, D.C. The term "emo" itself was derived from the descriptor "emotional hardcore." Early emo bands -- like Rites of Spring, Embrace and Rain -- took the intense punk-based sounds of Minor Threat and added a visceral, emotional element. Amid racing punk drum beats and heavily distorted guitars, vocals grew melodic, lyrics became self-questioning and the dynamics veered between loud/soft extremes. At the climax of a song, it was not unusual for a singer to emit a scream, growl or moan. Emo Catches On: Many of these D.C. hardcore bands turned toward emo in response to the over-masculinization of hardcore music. Eventually, emo allowed some bands to be wildly experimental in their song writing and intricate, sometimes even delicate, guitar-work became a part of the emo sound. As the movement spread outside D.C., many hardcore and punk scenes adopted the aesthetic and emotional focus of emo. In San Diego, bands like Drive Like Jehu, Heroin and the Swing Kids developed their own, more aggressive strain of emo, dubbed "screamo." However all emo had one thing in common: a guttural, driven approach to self-expression.
Minor Archenia You cannot hug your children with nuclear arms. However, you can give them awesome super-powers. Or leukemia. Awesome super-leukemia.
[ Pixel ] I get really pissed at those people who you tell "no, I don't really want kids" and they roll their eyes and say "uh-huh, sure. I said the same thing when I was your age, and I have thirteen beautiful, baby angels. Yeah, right. No, it's unavoidable. Someday, your hormones will take over your mind and free will and force you to have three kids whether you like it or not. I you don't have kids, you'll regret it for the rest of your life and kill yourself. Kids are the only thing keeping you alive right now. You had better have kids or you will die, and it's not like you have a choice anyway. Your uterus owns you."
Nineteen19 h3rring past3 I hate that too, I mean on I love New York for example she's like 'I like it when men are agressive" I mean....WTF? You honestly like a guy who'd hurt you or other people and would treat you like a sexual object that belongs to him? Yes. If one of us isn't bleeding, he's not a man.Khaleun_Redding Katyusha Rockets Kemeoth_Ethu Here we have a non-Black, using a dark-skinned or otherise Black avatar with stereotypical clothes, annoying the ED with inane s**t and using "******". Defamation at its worse!
...and if, by any remote chance, it's actually a brother? Anyone like him is no brother of ours. May he, if found Black, be painted a another color and sent away.
Icy Hearts · Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 01:11am · 0 Comments |