Yay~! I'm back from Philly!
2 weeks was pretty long for missing school. XP
It was a real "b" to the "h" on catching up with all my schoolwork. D:
I'm STILL behind too! ...But it was worth it. XD
I had so much fun at Philly, I really missed my cousins.
They really grew up and matured the last time I met them.
The last time I met them, they were goddamn wild. No joke. o_o'
Now all they're focused on is getting school done. Geez...
But they're still fun to hang around with. :3
But I missed home too, so I'm glad I'm back. X3
It was getting way too hot in Philly day by day.
And when I came back to Cali, it was freeeziiing~!
Now it's hot like Philly. XP Talk about major temp' change...
Anyways, long story short, I had fun but now it's back to school. :3
......Darn... ; 3;
P.S. Philly is the Philippines in case you're a dumbutt. X3
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"Paradise is just one step away. So spread your wings and fly away."
-xoxo Terra
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