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Nothing Too Interesting
i am writing a story on my laptop. Sadly my laptop doesn't have spell check. please read the whole thing even though it is really long, it is soooooooooooooooo good, everyone i pmed it too LOVED it, expseily Vivi! ^_^


Tears Of Sarrow
By: Me
i miss being normal, having more then a 1 friend, having a family, having a normal life. I’m here to tell you how one odd thing can change a life.

I walked along the edge of the border, or the tree area that keeps the dirt in place. I looked toward the other kids and noticed Jessi doing her Fishy Milk dance. I smiled and kept walking.
Then out of the sky fell upon me a huge flash of light! It looked like a star. Starteled I tried to run, but was to freaked out to do so.
So I screamed “AHHHHHHHHHH!”
I figured I was the first one to see it because after words they started to scream. On the aberage day people don’t see huge glowing rocks fly out of the sky, you may be able to relate. CRASH!!!!!!! Once hit I was on the ground in much of pain. The Lunch Aids got the nurse and I was taken by an Ambulens to the hospital. Their they said that my Mom was going to be there. I was scared and in misury. What just happened? Was I going to be O.K?
When I arrived ant the hospital They found that I had many chunks of the brightly lit rock all over my body. They said that it was mainly on my back, hands, thighs, feet, but I had it everywere on my body. They also said that I swallowed some and that some some how got into my lungs.
The rock was like super glue though. It stuck to me and they were only able to be off some that were not in large chunks.
I saw my Mom every day and she comforted me. We talked about Dad and how much we wish he could be here but he passed away years ago. We joked about what it be like to have more children in the house, but I was an only child and how differicult my Dad was to aggreeing to name me Tina.
We laghed and I asked qestions. She answered. Over time I relized that I was still in New Jersey, were I have lived for 16 years, or my life minuse 9 months.
Over the days in the hospital the large chunks of rock formed bit by bit, smoother and smoother into different shapes. The people in the hospital did not know what to do. They called scientist and different doctors. Most were confused but 17 doctors that came to me said somthing terrible was happening to me. Somthing that would changed my life for ever. I was tranzforming.
I didn’t know what to do. What to say. I just let it happen, I just let it do what it wanted.

Over time my Mom stopped visting. I got scared. The tranzformation was slowly taking place. After a scan. The relized I was growing wings, a tail, a mermaid tail that my legs come out of in the knee area, and and titanium claws.
So I was now a human animal. I heard a noise coming from outside my door.
“I can’t get this stuff off!” a voice cried.
BASH they ran into my room with a person on a stretcher. She looked oddly familyer. Oh my PICKELS! It was Jessica from school! Instently I remebered her Fishy Milk dance. She had been my friend since I was 9. For 5 years she had been my friend. I hoped that she had not been horribly injured.
“She is covere in a balck substance,” one of the nurses replyed, “Just like pashent 6.2.”
6.2 was that me? I tried to get a closer look, but the stupid curtain was pulled over as I strained to see.
“Darn it.” I wispered.
“ Get more Anastesha, she is waking up.” another nurse explamated.
A doctor ran passed my bed. He looked at me brefly then continued running.
A minuet later he came back with something labled. I gussed it was the Anastesha but I didn’t get to find out.

They left about a hour later. Once everyone was gone I moved the curtian and stared.
“Wow,” I exclamed in a wishper.
“ Uhhh,” She wined.
Her voice sounded different. It sounded more mature and much less high pitched like Jessie’s old voice. It also had less happyness in it, now it sounded like a hopless moun. It made even me feel a little upset. She moved.
“Mmmmm” she wined again.
It sounded like waking up having to go to school.
Slowly she sat up. I backed up twards my bed.
She opened her eyes
“Ahhhhh!” I screamed unexpectedingly to her eye color, “What...What.... Wh..WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR EYES!”
“Tina?” Jessi asked trieredly, “My eyes what are wrong with your body? And your eyes!”
I grabed a mirror.
“Ahhh my eyes are silver!” I screamed
“What’s wrong with your body?!?” Jess asked again.
“Oh, ummm remember that stone that hit me, Well the stone stuck to me and I...tranz...tranzformed,” I explained
“What!” She yelled, “Then, Then I am going to...to....to.....to TRANZFORM! I was hit by the same thing, but black. It sticks like glue!”
“ I know.” I told her.
She grabed the mirror out of my hand to see if her face tranzformed.
“Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!” Jessi screamed, “My eyes are red! Bright... RED!”
A nurse walked in. She stared at Jessi for a moment. then she layed down a tray of food next to me. It had grilled cheese, a jucie box containing apple jucie, with a side of Jelliton-Brand-Jelloton. She quikly ran out of the room.
After Jessica had a scan, they said that she was going to have about the same tranzformation, but longer claws, a bit larger wings, and a snake tail. They still have no idea what color hers would be.
About 5 hours later a doctor came in and said “Jessica, if I may call you that, it is time for your X-ray.”
Jessi nodded, got up and followed the doctor out of the room.
A nurse came in to take my tray of mostly eatun food, but stop to say “becareful, she is dangerouse,”
I got nervouse and wondered who is dangerouse? Was it Jessica?

About a half an hour later, Jessica returned. She looked angry and kind of freaked out.
The the doctor announced that it was my turn to have an X-ray. After seeing how Jessica looked after words I was hesitant to follow, but I did anyway. When we got to the room it had a body X-ray, pads, and needles...really big needels.
“Will those needles...” I swallowed, “Be used during my X-ray?”
The doctor said yes and I swallowed again.
“ Would you please lay down,” He asked.
I layed their still worried. I always hated big large pointy things, not that anyone would enjoy them.
The docter turned from me and grabed the largest of the pads off the wall. Then a smaller one. Then he grabed the largest of the needles. He turned twards an unoticed desk. He started to fill it with a yellowish thick liquid.
Then he turned back to me.
“If you would like you can close your eyes, And I will be numbing your body so there is less pain,” The doctor explained.
He numbed the area first, then an other docter put the two pads under me, one under my body, and the other under my head. I noticed there were speckers on the head pad. The next thing I knew I started to here a forest sound, and I passed out.
When I awoke I was in a room that smelled like gym socks. I coughed and sat up. I looked around the room, and saw a bottel. Coming out of the bottel was a red smoke. That was deffently what was making the smell.
I found a tissue box, and stuffed the stench making bottel.
I grouned. Then I heard a voice. It came from outside. I got up, and fell. I was still numb in my feet.
After I few embarassing tries I stood up and went to the door. I pressed my ear agenst it. The docter that knocked me out with the HUGE needle. He was talking to a nurse, “She seems to have grown bones with the new body parts. This will make it harder to remove the parts, but we’ll have to do it soon and quikly before other people find out. It will only take an hour or so.”
“It will be very risky you do relize,” replied the nurse, “Their lives are in your hands.”
I screched. he opened the door and I fell out.
I ran. I still didn’t know were to, but somewere. Anywere, but I had to get Jessica first. I saw the front desk. I ran up to a lady behind one of the desks.
“Were’s Jessica Chase’s room?!?!”
She stared at me and shook her head amazed.
“Tell me now!” I screamed.
I heard the docters. I lifted the hospital women and screamed, “WERE?!?!?!”
“Room 218! Second floor” She chocked.
I dropped her to the ground, and ran twards the elevator, not knowing what floor I was on.
I got in and pushed the down button repetedly. I looked out the closing and saw the docter running twared me. Then I heard a slam agenst the elevator door. I turned, my angel wings brushing agenst the wall. No one was in the elevator. I was scared, and relized that I was leaving everthing behind. My family, my friends, my life, but I had no were else to go. I had to find Jessi and run away. Get far away from here. I also didn’t relize that I had gotton so strong.
When the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened, and I ran out. I started glancing at the nubered rooms. 200, 201, 202, 203. I turned a corner. 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218. I burst into the room, Jessica was watching American Idol re-runs. I slamed the door and she looked at me starteled.
“Tina, what’s wroungh?” She asked
“ No time to exlaine,” I said out of breath.
I grabed her hand. I ran to the sun room for the elderly.
I ran in and screamed, “FLY!”
I jumped out the window. Glass flew everywere, and we sreaked. I spread my wings out and flapped with all the remaining energey in my body. She flapped too.
We have to get out of here,” I yelled and looked for a place to hide, “There!” I pointed to a large forest. It looked like we were still in New Jersey.
“Why are we running?!?” Jessica cried while following me, flew swifltly twareds the woods. I never relized what a wonderful experience this would be.
“I over heard the docter say that he was going to remove our new body parts! They said that’ll take only an hour and that they would have to do it soon. The nurse outside also mentioned that it would be risky and that our LIVES were in his hands!”
I turned around, still in the air to make sure she was still following me. She stood, or floated there for a long moment in a daze.
“Are you seriouse?” she asked
I nodded, “Come on, we have to go...NOW!”
She nodded and shook her head rebelling the daze from her head.

We flew very fast after words. We flew into the forest, I crashed landded, She gracefully landded.
After I landed I relized that I was starving. I hadn’t eaten for 2 days.
“Were can we get food?” I asked her, as if she would know.
“Without showing ourselfs, I have know idea,” She replied
“Hello?” We heard a voice.
I didn’t sound like a doctor, or one of the nurses, so I peeked out were I heard the noise come from. Their was a small boy. He looked about 5 or 6. He could bring me food!
“Hello!” I cried, but then I saw his Mom, or older sister come running behind him, so I backed off.
“Darn it!” I wispered to myself.
“What?” Jess asked.
“He has an older sibling.”
The bushes rustled, “Hello,” this time it was the girl, “Who’s there?”
I should run, I had to run, but I just stood their.
She spooted us, after all we weren’t really hiding.
“Hhhhaa,” she gasped. She was frozen, I guss in fear. We wern’t the aberage human after all.
Their was a long pause. We just stared at each other. Both of us frozen in fear.
What was I going to do.
“Who..Who are you?” She questioned shakely.
“I’m... Tina, and she’s Jessica,” I replied.
“Oh my gosh,” she wispered under her breath, You were on T.V! Tina Winters and Jessica Chase!”
“Yeah that’s us.” I replied once again, “But we have no food.”
She looked at her feet. Just staring, probley wondering if she should help us, or call the police.
“We ran away from the Hospital because they said that they were going to remove the tranzformed parts, and that it may kill us,” Jessica explained, “Please help us.”
She stared at her shoes a little longer, then finaly turned and yelled, “Mike, go get Mom!”
She turned back tward back tward us, and said, “I would be happy to help you, but I’m not sure what my Mom will say. Oh and by the way, I’m Megan Polanski.”

Minuets later “Mike” returned with what I think was the Mom.
She was laghing and giggleing, but as soon as she layed her eyes on me she froze.
She stared a little longer until she said, “Ha, Hi...I’m Mrs...” She turned to Megan and Megan nodded, “Mrs. Polanski.”
Mrs. Polanski started to whisper to Megan, and Megan explained what happened. Mrs. Polanski nodding the along the way.
“I hope she dosen’t want to call the police,” Jessica whispered.
A minuet later Mrs. Polanski turned and looked at us, “Please come with me,”
Megan was smiling so I followed.
She led us to an old Cottage. She opened the door for us so we walked in, inside it was very NEW! Computers, DS light’s PS2’s, Game Cube, PS3’s DDR mats. Everything!
Once we cleared are names and reasons, they talked with us. It was a long conversation. Lasting 2 hours long, we sat there, stated are reasons, and they stated theres, it was mostly aruguing, were to hide us, and our health records.
It bounced constantly from, No and absolutely you can stay. There seem to be no end to the arugument, until “Mike” felll asleep next to his Mom and broke into a loud snore. Then his Mom picked him up and carried him into the room as Megan fallowed, giving us a long stare.
“Do you think they are going to let us stay?” Jessica asked.
There was a long pause. Long enough for a Mother to call the cops about us, witch is what I think is exactly what happened. A moment later a siren came on. it was outside of the house, it sounded like the police.
Jessica was the first to her feet. We got up, ran out the back just as the poice were barging in the front, We shut the door queter then a mouse could. Then slid through the back bushes, and ran, ran as far away as we could. Then about after running a mile we soared into the air. Travling what seemed like faster then the air could blow, planes could sore, light could travle. Air blowing back my hair, for some reason eyes wide open, so awake, so alive.
I looked over to Jessica, she was lookingat me, she looked tired, and her eyes seem to have a dark red glow around them.
Then her eyes opened wide, purple, red and black swirles were pupils should be, then I crashed hard down, the last thing I saw was he shoes walking tward me. Then I fainted

When I awoke I was in a room. It was made of metal that looked all mixed match. The walls were crumpled into shape, and there was only a metan chair inside the room. It looked as crumpled as the walls. I looked up to see who was sitting on the chair, and reized, i couldn’t. My neck was held agenst the floor by some meteal, so were my arms legs, hips, and sholders. I groend. Then heard Jessica’s voice say “Make yourself at home Tina.”
She sounded like a robot with her tone of voice, so calm with not feeling anywere inside it.
“Jessi? What are you doing to me?” I cried with all my energey. I felt weak, and tiered. Then a thought came over me. Why is Jessi my friend, she is the enemy, She hurts me, I hate her, hate her.
That same thought kept going threw ny head “Hate her...” I have to hate her, fight her, destoy her, she does not belong on this earth, on the planet, on this galexie, in this universe. She had to go, but I didnt know why, all i knew is that she had to. Just had to. Wipe her off the planet.
“So, Tina, have a nice rest, you have been sleeping for about a week, why dont you have a seat. Oh that’s right, your chained to the floor, so sad, so sad,” Jessi proclaim. This time her voice sounded alive, less robot like.
I heard her footsteps come closer, until her ancle was right infront of my face. I bit it and she fell to the floor, her ankle bleeding were the tips of my teeth had inserted. She fell to the ground, and something shiny and about the size of a finernale. It slid over to me and I bit it. She screamed in pain a bit, not noticeing i had her little device in my mouth. I felt the device with my toung, There seem to be buttons on it, I crunched my mouth shut a bit to press a button, I heard a click, and my left leg came un chaned. I bit it agian and my shoulders came unchained. Now Jessica stood back up and just noticed I was un chaining myself.
“NO!” She cried, “GIVE THAT BACK!”
I kept on bitting, my hips, right legg and neck came undone. Then my right arm, and then the left, the I swallowed the device.
Jessica grined, and started to laugh quietly, then alowed it to grow louder and louder, the said “You have no idea how stupid that was.”
I stared at her and she said, “That has a small brain engager inside it, It will destroy your brain 4 minuets after activation.”
I stared at my feet. Wondered... Then jerked my head up, and attcked her. Now I had to kill her, or else she would kill me. She pushed me off, and I ambushed again.
I punched and kicked, she tore at my skin. It was a neck to neck battle. I ripped, she teared. We screamed and shriked. Then with a sudden bang, I knocked her off her feet, and knocked her out with a hard kick. I placed her in the exact place I was placed. Then I looked around the place. Looking for a switch. Something with a button or a lable. Something that could be the exploshion button for the thing in my brain. Nothing.
Then I searched her, looking for something, i looked everywhere. Nothing. Then I looked for an escape. Something! I found a small crack in the ciling. Just large enough to fit my fingers in. So i reached in, and pulled. Nothing.

“Oh, your so stupid Tina,” came a whiper, “That’s pure titanium, And only I can controle it.” In that instant her chains undid themselfs, and al of a sudden, a loud screaching sound enters my head.
“AHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” I screamed. I was on the floor in an instant. Crying in pain, grasping my hand, and curled in a ball gasping for air with a shacky unsteady breath. In pain Jessica just stared at me a ear to ear smial on her face.

“Goodbye Tina. Goodbye.”

I awoke in a dase, everything around me was white. Puffy with no expression. It felt odd... When I stood, I had no wieght, I simply floated. I felt emotionless. But sad. Yet happy. Nothing... I saw a man, and floated twards him. He was young, with red hair a bit in his eyes, he was happyish. a small beautiful grin on his face.
“Were am I?” I asked.
“Were else, oh... I guss you don’t no that you...” he paused, “died...”
Face still unable to make expression, I felt empty. Is this a joke? Is this a dream, This HAS to be a dream. Was my whole life a dream? Who is this guy?!?
Those questions ran throungh my head. Those words stung more then bees, more then breakups, more then anything you could ever imagin, I was gone, off the world. So is this what is next? What is after death... Why hasn’t anyone discovered it yet?
“I see you lost your emotions, come fallow me, we’ll get them back!” He prononced, “This is such an odd place for you to be, under water in a valcano, I never thought anyone would come through the beams here.”
“What beams?” I asked.
“Well don’t you know, when you die, after your out of site, we send down a small beam of light, it then carries there sprit up. When a important charecter, or human dies, the lights are bigger, and somethings scatered through the sky,” He replied while starting to walk left of were I awoke.
“Oh, okay. So were do I get my emotions? Is this area like a city or world? Who is the ruler?” I asked. He was getting a kick out of this.
“Well, when you die, the light takes your soul, not your emotions, so they are taken up by themselfs later, and usally get lost, and so they go here, and for the goverment, there is none. We are all peaceful, no wars or anything. Also this is a would, above the clouds, we travel across the globe everyday,” he pushed some clouds away to see a small farm like area, it was fenced in, and there were little faces inside. Each one changed it’s emotion rapidly.
“Do you see your’s.” The man inside the stand said to me, leaning on the fence.
I looked around wondering what I was looking for.
“What am I looking for?” I asked after a look around.
“One that has your face, would you like to come in for a closer look?”
I noded, and he sliced the gate, when i relized it was made of cloud. Once he did, there was an entrance, I walked in and looked again. One jumped up to me, it was a boys face, it bit me! I could not scream, but I heard a scream similer to mine on the other side of the pen. I ran over there, and picked up the one that screamed. Once I did, it jumped into my face and went INSIDE me! Then the man with red hair ran over to me, and helped me up.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I said werily, “Just a little stund.” I wobbled a little once on my feet, then felt my face a few times, then pinched myself and yelled, “OW! Yay! I have feelings!” I yelled happyly. Then I walked over to the pen area were I entered.
“You must really be an important person if your feelings miss you that badly! Hopefully you already did your good!” Prononced the man who owned the area.
Then all of a sudden a heard of noise entered my ears. A pack of emotions rushed into the pen. Then another. And another.
“Woo, Woo, WOO! Slow down!” The man called to the emotions entering his pen.
I stared at the emotions, they were all scared looking. Crying, upset. Sad...
“Wow, we haven’t had this many emotions since Nine Eleven! said the red head.
Again I looked at them all, and asked “What’s your name red head?”
“Devin, why?”
“Then Devin take me, Tina, to any place were I can see the world below.”
“Just do it!”
He ran grabbing my hand, into another end of the clouds, ran though them, and there was an edge. Down below, was the earth. On the earth, was a inflamed city. The only building standing was the tallest, and atop it all...

Was Jessica

I stood there, too stunded to move. Staring into the destruction below, I could hear their cries, nothing there to help. Nothing at all. All hope was lost. All hope...gone. Vanished from beteath. And it’s all my fault... If I haven’t lead Jessica out of the hospital in the first place, she would have never escaped. Never. No destruction would take place, I would be alive, Living, and she normal, by my side, and my Mom next to me every step of the way. But no, what seemed like such a great choice, was so far my, and the worlds choice. Now, it would be gone, only small creatures left. She would destroy everything, from infants to adults. From the Elderly, to the teens. No one deserves this. No one.
“What’s all that?!” Devin asked.
“That...” I swallowed, “That’s all my fault.”

“Do you know anyway to interfear with Earth, or humans?” I asked.
“Only the strongest of all the hevans can land upon Earth. They will then beunseen from the unfaithful, or the ones that are not stroung,” he replyed
“Well, what type of stroung? Mentaly, Phisicaly? What?” I asked.
“Both. Menatly to get down, and phisicaly to stay down.” he replied.
“What will happen if I die again down their, or can’t stay there?” I questioned.
“...You will vanish from everyones memories, both from here, and on Earth. No one will ever know you exsited, or anything. You would die, while being dead. Really dead, all alone, no one would see you, and you would get stuck on Earth forvever. Everything you have ever done will have never been done. Gone, forever. No coming back. You would be trapped, stuck on Earth, no one would be able to see you. Nothing,” he replied, from scared into sobbing, then he started to cry, “Sorry, it is just too much for me to see anyone go through, no one should have to go through that. It is just plain hell.”
I looked at him, then back down at earth. Then I saw more emotions come up into the clouds. So many came up, then next to me, a whole in the cloud formed, and a huge ray of light went down on Earth. Then some souls apeared It made me feel like I was going to cry. Soon enough I was, then with a wipe to the eyes, I said with all the faith, bravery, and dignety I had, I jumped off the cloud, and fell, so far, wind blowing in my face, Soon I was hit with pain, and strugle. I had to focus to keep present. I felt myself deteriorating. I felt a tear on my shoulder, I looked above, it was Devin crying. I gave him a weak thumbs up, and he started letting more tears escape.
Then I flipped over, and started diving into the Earth, feeling pushed to be focused. To be living.
I came, gaining speed, a few eyes looked up at me, and pointed brefly, then I moved over twadrd the building Jessica was on top of, sending down flames through her fingers, bringing death upon all. I flew, and just missed the very top, and landed next to it. I made a loud “THUMP”.
She turned, and ran down to the area, and tryed to feel it, but she felt my back. I shivered at her crule touch.
Then she finaly began to see me, “Tina? Ha! I thought I killed you, but yet your here? howed you get here? I had you over 1000 feet below sea leavel! Well, I don’t have time for you. So why don’t we try your death act again. Shall we?” She began to laugh, black smoke coming out of her reched throut as she turned her head upward. My mind fell to an ease, but my body started to feel weak. I grabed her, and flipped her, with a loud grunt. She stood up cracked her head, and stared at me, a small smirk on her face. My body felt worse every second of the way. Would I be able to make it out? My skin began to blead with no touch of anyone needed.
I stared her into the eyes, and grabbed her wrist, feeling strounger, and again flipped her. She fell off the building, and a few scattered shrieks roamed the area. Then after a second of freefall, Jessica burst her blackened wings out, and dramaticly flew back up, staying in the air. I brought my wings out, and flew, shooting at her.
“I see you haven’t mastered ur powers yet. Ha! Try THIS!” Jessica screamed as she shoot a large sum of blackened darkness hurteling tward me. I screamed and it came so close if I stuck my head out I could touch it. Then it vanished. I looked down and in my hands was light, a ball of my own light. As I moved my hand, it fallowed. I made another one in the other hand. I shot it.

It hit her like a rocket. She grond and clamped her eyes shut in pain. I looked at my hands. They had a small glow to them, then it died down. I looked up again at her. She looked up at me, teeth clenched in a frown. She fired another black orb at me, and I blocked my head with my hands, but again it went around me.
That is when I felt a bit weaker, but then it started to rain. The rain didn’t wet me though, instead it went into my skin. I felt strounger, and looked into the rain, I saw Devin, and others of the dead, sending down rain, and other angles pouring down there cher to the world. Even dead still with no emotion chering us on, so excited to see there loved ones, and so happy to see that the dying would stop, though they weren;t able to show it, I could feel their smiles. So happy.
I heared her cry and turned to hear her say, “Why won;t you die?!”
“Who said I wasn;t already?” I said with a smirk. Finaly this delema was turning around.
“She looked at me confused, then said, “I never understood you Tina, ever since day one. You have always confused me. Oh well, life is supose to be confusing.”
She then shot the biggest fire and darness ball at me that I have ever seen. I got nerves, but pulled myself together. For the first time, I wasn;t gona run, I wasn’t gona let fear overcome me. I was going to face what I had started, from the begging, from letting her free. It was her time to go, not to heven, and not to hell, somewere where she would suffer more then all that she had made suffered put together.
Feeling strounger by the second, she shot the ball of death at me, and Imade one with light, hope, and faith. I made it as large as hers, and shot it. It pushed against hers, not giving up, trying to reach it’s target. It bashed, and fought, coming back tward me, then tward her. It was turning grey, then it snapped, making a exploshion. It was bigger then anything in the world that I have ever seen. Or will ever see...
When I awoke, I was back in the clouds, staring into Devins eyes.
“Wha, What happened?” I asked.
“You almost died, again...” he said with egziety and shame, “But we saved you, and...and, YOU DID IT!! You killed Jessica!!”
I stared at him in disbelief, “What do you mean? Wait, what, im confused...” I think I was suffering from a cacoshion, what was happening?
He looked anoyied then exclaimed“Uhg! Come on Tina, you did it! She is dead! Jessica, gone from the face of the world. With that last blow, it managed it destroy both of you! Right before the exploshion though, I started down, getting the feeling you would die, then other angles fallowed, and as soon as everything exploded, we grabed you and brought you up here.”
“So your saying she’s up here now?!?” I started getting worried, “Were is she?!?”
“Relax Tina! We got that covered, she came up, but as soon as she did we sent her to the Underworld!” He pronounced pleased with himself.
I thought for a moment. Then it came to me that she would be torchered for the rest of eternity. That wouldn’t be fair, for anyone, even if they nearly tryed to desroy the world. “No...no...NO! I have to get her out!!”
“Tina, have you gone completly brain dead?! She nearly destroyed you entire exsistance!?” Devin shouted like it was the end of the world.
At that point, I got up, and sank through the clouds, but then rose up, and said, I’ll miss you, but first, how do I get to the Underworld?”
“Why the heck whould I tell you that?” He asked with his arms crossed.
“Because she should know!” A voice came out of the crowd, “Tina, should know.”
I looked over to the voice.
It was my Dad!

I looked at him, the I said, “DAD?! Is that you?!?”
“Tina, yes it is me, but we don’t have anytime! Your friend is being sentenced right now, you have to go,” He said in a deep father like voice.
I stared, and looked over at Devin in a begging look, I silently pleaded for a way
“Just go down to Earth again, but then fly straight into the sun, When you exit the atmosphere, you will be there, be careful TIna,” he said just starting to cry, then went over, and hugged me.
Then I dived into the clouds, and headed straight into the atmosphere. It hurt my skin once I rech the atmosphere, but with friend ship as my engien I made it.
I automaticly relized it when I was there. Everything was black and misirible. As I walked straight, I saw large cages with people inside, being torchered, but not killed. One had a man inside with his lips just above the surface of a frozen lake, gasping for breath, with a man jumping on his lips, just barly keeping him alive. In another, a man was having a knife being pushed and pulled in and out of him. gross.
I finaly came upon a huge door with the rusted words “Cort Room” plastered onto it. I stared at it, then relized, I should make this more dramatic, just walking in and taking her isnt going to do much good. So I backed up, and ran.
I burst through the door, I probley was locked anyway, and ran right up the ally to Jessica. I heard startled excliams, and saw worried faces. I pushed through,grabbed Jessica, and then relized I had made the biggest mistake of my life.
Imeadietly, my hand started to burn. I let go, and pulled my hand to myself. I looked at it. There was a mark on it. Everytime I looked at it, it made my eyes burn with a sizziling sensation. I stepped back, and looked at Jessica. She had hatred streaming from her pupils. Her face, with no expression, but as angery as ever.
I felt lost in feelings. Glad to find her, sad to be in pain, nerves to see her face, and anger, for making me come down her, when I get pain in return.
I stared longer, and longer, then grabbed her hand again. It burned more then ever, but I had to get her out of this! She was and maybe still is my best friend. I was not gona let her go to Hell.
I started to fly. She felt like a ton of led. Dragging me down. I looked at her. She looked scared. I looked back up, and flew as fast as I could. Then I was jerked back by a metal chain. It was sewn through Jessicas wing. She looked down at it, and signaled me to fly on. I didn’t want to, but I did anyway. I kept on pushing on, running out of faith. That her and I would end yp staying here for the rest of our etermal lives, being torchered...


A nearley silent whisper came from behind, “Come on Tina... you can do it. You can do anything.” It was Jessicas voice, no matter how odd it sounded, it was sure her.
At that moment, I felt like a million people. I pulled, harder the ever before. 10 words, making the biggest difference in Heven and Hell.
I pulled so hard, that with a scream of pain, the chain came through Jessica’s pitch black wing. We flew fast though a member of out 2 person crew half way down, flying faster then the speed of light. Flying past the atmostphere, pasy the light, past it all.
We finaly landed on the soft clouds, scattering, for the first time ever on the clouds, blood. Suprisingly the clouds melted were the blood toched, and flew down to earth.
Jessica, landed on her hands and knees, but had to keep squirming aroung, because her blood kept landing on the clouds, sending them down to Earth. She rolled around until she found the emotion fence, and hopped onto it, and rinsed her wing with holy water.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Jessica screamed like never before, “ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?”
After the holy water washeed off, anyone could see that her fleash rotted at it’s touch. It looked black, and at certain parts you could see the bone insde the wing. It looked disgustingly horrifying.
We all stared at the rotted wing in terror. Everywere the holy water even touched was rotted. Gone. It smelled of burned flesh, and it seemed it felt like, to her, it was made like burned flesh.
She started, for the first time since first grade, started to cry.
Through sobs, she started to cry out, “Is this why you came to get me Tina?! So you could torcher me yourself? I pitty you Tina! I pitty you all! I thought this was Hevean! But no, you have recreated another Hell! Were are all the good people supose to go to then?!”
“No, no Jessica, your getting the wroung idea!! We didn’t know holy water hurt you! We, I mean, I came down, so you weren’t torchered at all!” I yelled, the calmed down half way through my words.
She snorted, and crossed her arms. Then with a long senseless stare sunk into the clouds, turning them black, darker then her wings.
Thunder appeard, striking dramaticly below. Bigger, thicker blots each time, Threatining most of the cities remaining population. Hitting buildings and people. Not missing once. More emotions flouded into the clouds. All their expressions revolving around fear, and shock. I knew anything she did would endanger anyone, so before this got out of hand, I had to stop it. It was nearly too late, for as my wings beat against the harsh winds down below the clouds, a tornado started to submerge from the thick sickly green cloud. Terrifyed screams came from the Earths surface, for New York has almost never seen a tornado, not to mention this big. It hit with a harsh landing. Picking up old debrea from the earlyer devistating attack.
More emotions flooded into the clouds, as well as a few souls. Everywere, crowding the hevans above.
My wings felt as if they were being pulled. The tordaos sucion trying to take them away. But I didn’t give up. I flew intothe clouds. Inside the center of the warfare of blackneww, was a black orb. Just like Jessica’s wepon. Sitting there. I thought of it as her energey sourse, so were was she? I couldn’t find her body. Did she destroy her being, leaving only her pitch black soul...The soul that is destroying New York...and maybe soon to come, our Earth.
I grabbed the ball of darkness up, and screamed. It burned horribley. I dropped it. My hand had another mark. One on each hand. Again, this one brought pain to my eyes with each glimps of it.
The orb rolled into the exact spot it was before. Again, I picked it up, and screamed. I didn’t drop it though. The pain grew with each second. Burning deeper into my fleash. I kept on running through, and out of the cloud. Once out, I could see the destruction stopped. Thank goodness.
Sadly I had no were else to put the orb. I burned deeper, and deeper into my skin.
That’s when it came to me! Holy water! If holy water burned her skin, it must do something to her soul!
Imeadietly, I flew up into the clouds.
“Grab the holy water!” I shouted, still in pain from the burning orb.
Imeadietly, it was out in front of me, “Now pour it on top,” I shouted, “It should destroy the orb!!”
When the water left the jar, it felt as if a million years for it to even touch the orb. Finaly once it did, the orb sizeled and crackeld, like a camp fire. Smoke emerged from it, and it slowly melted.
But it wasn’t what we acpected. Inside the center of the orb was a white glowing light. It was as bright as the light that comes out of my hands. It was very small. Not much bigger then a boncey ball.
It started to make a small voice. Like Jessica’s voice fast faword, but on a slow pace. I held it up to my ear, and listened to it squeak
It said, “Tina! You have acomplished your destiny! Now my darkness formed from that orb is gone. After srinking me to a smaller size, now this is all that is left oof my soul. Now my body may rest in peace.”
It sqealed once more, with a small cheer, then spun around once, and vanished.

For a while in Heaven I pondered those words. The last words of my dearest friend. I cryed about her, it made me feel happy that she isn’t in Hell, and other things. But the biggest fact on my mind was if I had any darkness in my soul. Was my soul black in some parts? What was it’s outer layer? Mayve some people, such as teachers who have tought kids for many years, have built up a layer of darkness, in order it keep the class in order, but if you dig a bit deeper past that, there is a dear friend. Also, did my layers change because I killed Jessica...
I wondered if, since I was hit with a white rock, is my center darkness, and outer layers are light? These questions all wondered through my head. Spinning around. Making it almost impossible to focus on anything else.
After time past, I seemed to worry about Jessica less and less. She was gone now, and nothing could bring her back from where ever she was.
Life started settleing in. Life got on to a pase. Soon enough, Devin asked me out, and about a year later, we were having our wedding. I may have only been 17, but in heaven u can marry young seeming you dont get older.
We lived by the emotion farm, and helped out a bit. Otherwise, Devin and I went to the cloud beach, and played outside, as if we were three years old. We tombled, and played. And life turned out almost normal for us, no one stared at me, or anything. I felt happy, and normal even though I might be dead, dying isn’t always so bad if it turns out like this. I saved the world, I came to heaven, I found someone to love, I even found my Dad! Truely nothing could really be better then this wonderful world. Fun and games. Love and happyness. Faith and hope...

Everything can have a happy ending, if you just try.

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    Community Member

    Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 02:45am

    Happy Ending loved it can i send it 2 all those people 4 them 2 read Please

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