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Nothing Too Interesting

this one is also unspell checked, and will be updated till i give the word

Name: Still thinking of one...

There once was a story told of a girl, her magic, and how she changed
the world. Traveling the world from the North to the South, she was known for
her bravery. Most stories tell about history sports or fantasy, but I'm here to
tell you about magic.
Not so long ago, and not so far away, their was a child born in the East
in a land called Kuncker, named after the dragon speices that used to roam the
skies centuries ago. This child was born into a city like life. Always working,
and frustrated. Never really able to express her true self. To stand up and
laugh. To say what she really feels. Nope. Sorry, nothing. She had to sit and
listen, but as much as she hated it, her Dad was really the only one who got to
talk. Her, her Mom, and her two twin older brothers also said nothing. All they
were allowed to say was "Thanks sir, Sorry sir, and yes sir." That was basically
her whole vocabulary. Now you try to live that life!

“Okay Faylinn, time for lessons!” my Mom called.
“Coming!” I cried from my room. I already was changing, and as usual my twin brothers didn’t make any attempt to even act like they where trying not to see me get dressed. I didn’t really care, but it was still rude. Even at the age of 12, I still deserved SOME privacy. But I was soon in my thick riding outfit with my dirty blond hair in a pony-tail. It was raining today so I brought down my smell killer shake in a bottle down, and stuck it in my back pocket. The camechile always drove me insane, but the stuff really worked. My Mom always said it was annoying so it would get your attention. It sure did!
On the way there, I got my helmet out from the back seat and rubbed it. It was covered with dusty dirt from last time. I saw my big eyed reflection in it. I remembered when I had first signed up for this. My parents gave each one of us one sport or activity. I chose this because I always saw them ride on T.V it looked so much fun zooming at top speed past all the turns to the finish line, I loved the photo finishes. It was always so suspenseful.
When we got there, as usual a blondy, this time Stacy greeted us. She parked the car, and we went to go sign in. It had finaly stopped raining, but the course was going to be a bit wet. When we where done, I went to the track, strapped my helmet to my head, now cleared from the old dust form last ride, jumped on the seat, and started to warm up around the track by peddling. I fell on my first turn, and like normal bikes it continued on for a bit without me.
I watched as it’s pink flame exterior crashed into the wall a short walk from where I had fell. Then soon enough Stacy retrieved the bike and helped me up. In about five minutes I was back on and at my third turn. I once again fell and Stacy repeated her coarse.
After warm ups I stared racing for real against Stacy. At first she went easy on me, but after each win she got harder and harder to beat, until I had my first lost. Then she would start over but this time we would do two laps, then three, then four, then five, until we reached ten laps and I was totally wiped out, and by that time our three ours where up, and we drove home.
At home it was about 7:00 pm, and I was starving. As soon as I was coded with my smell killer shake, and in my PJ’s I ran down the steps and ate practically everything in site. I even ate some of the week old pancakes Mom made. They needed a super nuking, but soon they tasted just like they did when Mom flipped them off the pan.
My brothers already ate, they didn’t really eat much, except Infinity, he always ate all the taco’s in site. I don’t know how he does it. I can barley stand the spice in barbecue sauce, how the heck can he eat so many of Moms taco’s? Mom always said the sauce went to his head, and turned his hair orange. It always looked like a taco too. His hair was always a little curly and it looked kind of lumpy. As for Jake he always had his hair in a spiky stly. He spent about an hour with the straightener each morning and used about a bottle of gel too. Even with all the products I still liked his hair better.
Every night right after my Dad went to sleep, me and my two brothers
would get together and talk. This was the only real time we could talk to each other with out our father. Sometimes, when there was a bad fight my Mom would sneak into our rooms, and join the conversation. Tonight though, was one
of the worst, and best nights, of all nights. I could feel it.
"Okay kids, lights out!" Cried my Mom at the top of her lungs, shaking
the house a bit. I hate bed time, but I also love it. It is the only time of day
me and my brothers got to talk , but it also ends the chance of getting anymore food. Well, anyway, I brushed my teeth got in my night-gown and crawled into bed, and turned the lights out as usual. My brothers were laying on their beds as usual, and we all faked slept until we felt a kiss on our far head from Mom, then we counted to 30 after the door
closed, and then all snapped open our eyes, and began the meeting. I may be only
twelve years old, but I was able to understand 18 year old brother talk.
"So Faylinn, what was your chore today in our very cramped house?" Asked Jake, the younger-by-ten-minutes son.
"I got toilet duity, I hate it, and then SOMEONE got a stomach viris!
GEZE it was nasty!" I replied.
"Opps, sorry…" said Infinity, the older-by-ten-minets brother, "Next
time I won't have three taco's the day before you have duity…"
"EWWWWW! Your disgusting!" I screeched
“SHHHH! Faylinn, don’t wake up Dad!” Jake whispered.
“Sorry,” I whispered back
“So what did you have to do as your chore today Infinity?” I half whispered half said.
“I got to wash the car!” he smiled
“And what about you Jake?” I asked back in my normal voice.
I had to feed all the horses, and trim there horse shoes. I gave me blisters,” he replied grumpily, and showed us his red, sore, and very bumpy with blisters hand.
“Ouch, that’s why I like being twelve,” I replied to the ugly raw hands.
Thump! The front door slammed. Who was walking around in the middle of
the night? I didn't here anyone go into the hall way to even go outside..
I was guessing my brothers were thinking the same thing because they were soon out the door, peering down stairs. Mom always said curiosity got the
better of them. Cause that's when I heard it…
BANG! The bullet from the gun hit Jake right in the center of the head, he collapsed, and Infinity was crying, and started scrabbling up the steps. But next Infinity, was hit right in the heart.
I screeched, but soon my Mom was covering my mouth, and whispering, "Shhhhh or he'll get you too!” She had tears in her eyes, and could barely speak.
I noticed Dad going down the steps with the old gun that used to hang
above his door as decoration, I never new it could still be used. He snuck down
the stairs, I wanted to grab his arm, and bring him back up, or something…but I didn’t. Dad was never a good shot. He always missed everything, wether it was throwing a beanie in a hole, or shooting something, I was crying for I knew he would die, and he was also crying, which probably hurt his already rare chances of hitting the target, and then he too…

…Was killed.

My Mom went down, crying as if it would do something. She grasped his
life-less body in her arms, and sobbed. I wanted to go down to and cry, to sob with her, and be with her with out last moments together. But I stayed, frozen with fear from what no person should witness. My Mom was still holding Dad when then she too…


I didn't know what to do, or what to say, so I crawled under my bed and wept. There gone, no they can’t be! No, No, No, NO, NO, NO, NOO, NOO, NOOO! They can’t be! Not dead! Not dead! This isn’t real! This isn’t real! Oh, why can’t I just wake up! I can’t start a new life! I can’t! I can’t! No!
I stayed there and wept for about a day before I came to realize what I needed to
do, I put all my thought into it, and finally decided I was going to have to
move on, and leave this house, and never turn back, for if I did I would also
die, suicide would be the first thing to cross my mind, but I needed to be
strong. It would kill me inside, but save my life. I needed to do it, I just had
I slowly went outside, bare footed with my night gown on. I looked
around our little street called "Pixie" and every house seemed to look deserted. All the houses seemed to have a broken window or a
cut door. Everyone had been…killed… It was a horrible site, and nobody was left,
but… me. But thankfully we were the only street.
I ran around the corner, and a line with the words "Caution" was
dividing our street from every other street. It looked very odd… Thousands of
people were there screaming and crying. Then I guess they spotted me, and cried with joy
"LOOK!" They cried, "SOMEONE MADE IT!!"
"Made it, made it through what?" I asked
They all stared in disbelief. "You mean you don't know! The evil king of
the South came and killed everyone here, well; on your street! Your lucky you
made it! No one else lived but you so far!" One police girl replied in complete
I suddenly felt so angry, so enraged, I felt as if smoke was coming out
of my ears. But then it completely turned to sadness I felt so sad, so I ran, I
ran so far into the near by woods. I ran deeper and deeper, running into more,
and more brush each second. I ran, and ran until, SMACK! I ran right into a tree and heard a scream, but it wasn't my own…
The tree was talking! "How rude do you humans get, well of course your
no normal human, are you. Hmmm, now let me see your back," She said turning me
around with her hand like leaves, "Ahh! Yes I knew it! You aren't a normal human
at all. Why if you were a normal human, you wouldn't be staring at me like that,
for you wouldn't be able to see me! Well, carry on now, Hero, or soon to be
hero! Why I have said too much, now you surely must be on your way now, Ta Ta!"
With that the tree spun me around, and gave me a small push and said,
"Don't get lost now!"
I wondered what that things was. It was so strange, who ever heard a
tree talk!? I must be becoming delusional!
I walked unknowing what was happening. What was on my back. I felt
around on my back. Nothing… Hmmm what was up with this!? Trees are talking,
people are dying, what's next?!
I walked on, but I kept on seeing moving things in the shadows, I felt as if I was being watched by somebody, or something…
I walked and walked until night fall, then I sat down for a while,
stomach growling insanely. I knew I should have taken some food with me… Well, I
guess I'll have to eat what the animals eat… Berries leaves…
I found an old berry tree, and ate the sickening berries off of it.
DISGUSTING!! While I was eating, I kept hearing odd noises. Chirps, whispers. I
kept telling myself it was just the wind, but I knew inside it wasn't. They all
kept saying one thing though… "This Way".
It started scaring me so I started running, and sprinting. The voices
started to get louder and louder with excitement, now saying and shouting, "Yes!
Yes! Go this way!" It was so creepy. I ran faster then I ever had before, so
scared. Then…
When I awoke, I was in a different spot in the forest. I was on a small
piece of soft grass in the middle of a spring. I looked around myself to find a
book, and lots of blowfish like light moving around the edges of the soft grass area.
Still feeling as if being watched, I moved the old book closer to me,
and opened it to a random page. The book was writen in ink. It also had
photographs inside it. The picture was labeled "Will-O-Whisps" The picture was
of the small glowing things around me. It also had a discription of them next to
the picture. It said…
"The Will-O-Wisps are usually found around springs, and deep in forests, they are often used by elves (see page 10) and Nixies (see page 22) as decorations and lights. They look as lighted orbs. They are often mistaken as fairies, and represent a sacred place."
Well, that about describes were I am now… But why would I be in a
sanctuary. So many questions, and why was I still delusional!? Or was this a
dream? So confusing…
A voice of laughter came from the left of me. Bubbles arose from the area the
voice came from and… Splash! A green, frog like human stood up from the water.
She looked like me but with soaked hair, and no cloths. She had no breasts, and fins coming out of her head where her ears should be. Her feet where very
large and she had catfish-like tentacles coming out of her head, where her eye
brows should be. She started rising, and then plopped herself right next to me.
Hello Hero," She said calmly, "I have watched you from afar. I am
unable to move very far from my spring, but I have seen what you are capable of
through your future. You crashed into a tree, and I brought you here. You are
very heavy! Well anyway, I as a Nixie have brought you to my mini sanctuary and
here I have a quest to help you on your soon to be long journey. Please go to my
sisters lake, and tell her I sent you on a quest. Ask her for Sagittarius. She
will first deny you, but then lift the cloth of your back and show her. Then you
must train Sagittarius but soon you will realize your destiny. Please relieve us
human hero, for the evil that awaits you. Everything will become clear to you
when you see Sagittarius."
Staring into her eyes, I whispered, "I'm… I'm so confused… Who are you, and what are you… I'm so scared…"
"It is okay young hero, I am Buenaventura the west Nixie. I know you
have never seen such beings and creatures in your life, for we are not seen by
any human eyes, but you indeed are a hero, not a human. You are over stressed
now, but soon you will see what you need to do, and we all know that's why you
are here," Buenaventura described to me, "Here for your journey, to my sister of
the East spring, is a map."

With that she handed me a wet scroll, and stood up, and helped me up. Her
webbed hands where very cold and wet, "It is your destiny child," She declared,
"Now go on! And good luck as you humans say it!"
With that she pushed me, and then as I turned around to wave, she pegged
the book I found the Will-O-Whisps in at me, and it left a mark on my entire face, "You'll need that on your journey too!!" She exclaimed, and waved while she sank deep into the water.
Next thing I knew I was on my way towards the south east, as the hand drawn, colorful, messy, crayon drawn, confusing map showed to go. I had to go through a bent and shaped road. It looked so easy to get to her sisters spring, why did she shape it around the “bad”. How “bad” could it be? It’s only dream, so what could happen?
“Ha!, no problem! I’ll just cut through, instead of walking around the mountins!” As I said this the trees shook, and twisted in odd shapes, but I paid no attention, my decision has been made!


It took me about 6 hours to walk the crooked road, and the whole way I kept wanting to try to wake myself up, I even pinched myself, but I didn’t feel pain, nor wake up. I walked long, and took a few breaks on fallen trees, and logs. Once I found a tree played for a while. It felt so good, but I was scared off by a gouts like figure in the distance. I quickly got off, and ran back to the road.
Finally I came to the spot I would cross. I wanted to know what the bad was, so I am going to cross their.
It was a little foggy, but I could still see pretty well. I walked slowly, unsure if anything would happen, or since it was a dream, I would start falling or something.
As I got deeper, it got foggier, and foggier. It also got a bit chillier. I was starting to want to turn back, but I was already pretty close to the other side. I would see the path, but across the path ran a black smudge. It was creepy, but I blinked and assumed it was my eyes tricking me, for most humans believe what they like the best, and I have to say, it could have been a lot of things but assuming so will make me stop and run back.

Oh, how I wish I had…

I saw the smudge again in the corner of my eye. The figure kept flashing by. I was too scared that if I’d stop, it would hurt me, so I continued on. I was terrified now, but I suddenly stop, curiosity getting the better of me. Then I felt a grip around the back of my neck. I suddenly knew why this area was called bad. The thing pulled my by my hair, to a tree, here it put chains around my chest area, and with a toothy grin it showed me a rotted smile. I felt doomed, and readied myself for a death of dreams. I held the tree behind me, and cried. The man/thing was soon back in front of me. Seeing my tears he laughed again and barked, “So much for a hero!”
It got me mad. I stopped crying, and reached for his throat, but he was too quick, and backed away far enough for me to grab air. Then he grabbed more chains and chained my hands in front of me. I struggled to get them loose, but it was practically impossible, They wouldn’t budge, but then he stabbed my shoulder, which was no out of reach, with a small knife. I screamed louder then thunder. It shook the trees, and made a huge flock of birds fly away.
Then he stabbed me in my other shoulder, with a different dagger. I screamed louder, again shaking the trees. The through the corner of my left eye, I saw him take a long pointed sward out of it‘s case .
“BAHH!! Like killing a cat, get them curious enough, and then shooting the gun! I pitty you. How did your family raise you, Muhahaha! No love for the little hero, now she‘s scrawny and weak!”
This got me furious, SCREAMED louder then anything I have ever heard, it shattered my ears, but I wouldn’t stop. I continued, for what seemed like hours; it broke the silence of the world, it destroyed the pain, it shattered the heavens. It was like a call, and my town could probably hear me. Mom, Dad, Infinity, Jake, how dare he! Here me God, kill this ghoul, for he has mocked the dead, and has tried to add my soul with my families. Destroy him Lord. Destroy him!
My cry was heard by the whole forest. Then a beam of light shown through the now heavy fog, it touched his skin and he started to ooze thick black liquid where the light touched. I kept on making my ear- piercing, and more light shown through covering the demon, Until he was now just a pile of black ooze, with one hand raising out of the pile. I finally stopped screaming, and I felt so tired, and I fainted.
When I awoke I was still against the tree, but I was untied from my chains. The pile of ooze was a black stone now, hardened by the light. The area no longer had any fog, and I continued to the other side, towards the road. That’s when I realized the daggers where gone, and my pack of a book and scroll strapped to my back by twined rope was much heavier. I untied the twine, and looked at my pack
In addition to the book, and map their was a sword, it was the one he nearly killed me with. It had a description on it. It read:

“The sword of Death”
I rewrapped the pack to my back with the thinning twine, and strapped the sward to my shoulder using the leather case the demon carried it in.


I stayed on that road the rest of the way, not daring to linger any longer. Who knows how long I was asleep. I was pretty close though for taking the little short cut, but If I went in again, who knows if I will ever come back out…
From their, I was very tired, so I stopped at the “Resting of the Needy” I slept for about 2 hours, but the sun was starting to set, so I half the rest of the way till I reached Buenaventura sisters spring…

It was a lot different their, and a lot bigger then Buenaventura’s spring. The circle in the middle was huge, and instead of Will-O-Whisp’s her sister had skulls with candels burning inside of them. This definatly had a effect on my confidence. Each skull looked sad, and looked like they where weeping. Still, I walked twards the other side slowly…
Something brushed my leg within the first few steps. I jumped back immediately through instincked. I counted to 3 over and over again, but my mind kept on screaming “NO! Don’t go, you will die somehow!! Dangerous!! ALEART WARNING WARNING!!”
It took me to the count of 31 until I finally jumped in, and ran across the water. I felt the thing in the water twice when running to the small area in the circle. That’s when I saw what brushed my leg…

It was a GIANT Sea Serpent! It was flat faced and had millions, and layers of teeth. I was frozen with fear immediately. It was the biggest thing I have ever seen, counting the time I went on that field trip to New York, and saw The Statue of Liberty. It toward over me, and I wondered it fit in the pond. How deep really was it?!
I stared at the two giant eyes staring back at me. It’s navy blue color bleat in perfectly with the water. I didn’t know what to do until it lounged at me. It’s teeth bigger then anything, and wide open, ready for it’s puny meal.
Immediately I jumped out of it’s way, and my brain started to spark up again. I grabbed the sward out from it’s case, and untied my pack. Then I propped the sword up in an angle just like they always did in the dramatic movies. I tried to spin it around too, but I ended up just cutting myself a bit, then I stopped and focused on the giant beast, I was already back up, and was charging at me. Surprised I jumped again, and as it slid over the small island surrounded by now tipped and knocked over skulls, I tried to stab the beast. I missed time after time, until I managed to hit him. He screeched, and dived into the water, stupidly I held on to the swaord and was also diving into the water. I held my breath as I sped through the pond in circles. Suddenly the beast stopped, and I saw what I thought was maybe Buenaventura’s sister. I stared at her, and she stared wide eyed at me, but I was quickly forced back speeding through the water. The Serpent was on the move again, and it did a flip out of the water, and over the small area of land, and quickly I ripped the weapon out of it’s body, and landed on the edge of the circle area, but the sword was deeply in the ground, for it had taken the in packed of my landing. I tried to pull it out, but it was in their too deep.
I looked to the side, where I heard a splash. It was the sister Nixie. She soared high above the still flipping serpent, and landed on it’s back, and held on the scales. She held on tight, and climbed up it closer to the spot where I punctured it, and disappeared into the water, still holding on. When the monster jumped again, she was at the area where the sward had hit, and she was getting a plant and slowly rubbing the wound with the ointment inside of the plant. The monster then slowly quieted down, and stopped flipping.

Soon the Nixie was out of the water. She was already all over me, “What the heck did you do to my serpent human! You Idiotic being! I should do the same to you!” she screeched in a mature voice. She lifted the sword easily from the ground.
“WAIT!” I shouted, as she brought the sword up in the air ready to stab me through the heart, “I am here for Sagittarius, I have come from Buenaventura’s spring! Please lower your sword.”
She lowered the sword, and pushed me to the ground with one hand, and put her weight on the sword tilting her skimpy body, “Liar,” She said calmly, with her head tilted, hair soaking, and poring out water all over my already soaked cloths.
I looked at her in disbelief. She just accused me of lying! “HEY! Woo, woo, wait! This just isn’t right!” I yelled while standing up, “First I’m attacked by a murder who killed my fa-fam…” I swallowed, “Then I was sent on a quest by some lady named Buenaventura and she told me to go see this famous Sagittarius, THEN I was nearly killed by some demon, AND NOW, YOU AND A SERPANT! Oh so perfect. Now you accuse me of lying, and try to kill me! Look lady, I don’t know your name, and I have already nearly been kill 2 times too many! DON’T make it 3!”
She stared blankly at me in surprise, I’m guessing. She blinked in amazement, and then said… Bue-Buenaventura sent you! She sent you, but wh-wh-why for Sagittarius… WAIT! NO IT CAN’T BE! NO… Show me your mark…”
She didn’t touch me, instead I turned around already knowing what the mark must be. She gasped and stared. She touched my back, and where she touched, I felt my skin had been scared, and was elevated in different areas. I stung a bit, but I didn’t back away or turn in anyway, so she must have taken it as if I didn’t mind, and put her whole hand on my back. It still hurt, but she proceeded. After I felt my mark, as well as she did, I turned back around, but my shirt kept on sticking to the back of my shirt where he hands have touched.
“Ok…” She finally whispered, “I’ll go get Sagittarius. Stay here,” She turned her head to the sea monster in which was now listening in on our conversation, “Don’t eat here Enapay! She may be the one…”
The Nixie ran to the right of me, and through a small tunnel made from mud, and what looked like horse hair. I kicked a few rocks around, and then eventroly sat down. The whole time the serphant was closely watching me. When I sat down, he ducked his head deeper into the water so only to show his eyes. He blew some bubbles their too, as if to show he was still their. Each bubble made a different sound when it popped, and soon, I was recognizing it from somewhere.
I started to sing a long with it. It went:

“Twinkle and stars appear in the sky,
The suns coming down, he’s waving good bye
The man on the moon says how do you do
Shines down his moon beam, for me and for you
The old tabby cat goes out on the prow
And up in the tree is wise mister owl
The night and gale sings to the stars in the sky,
I’m singing to you the Smurf lullaby
Good night
Sleep tight
Sweet dreams till the morning
Good night
Good night
Good night

The pillow is soft, the blanket is warm
So climb into bed, your starting to yawn
The Book Smurf will read a Smurf nursery rhyme
About Smurf kings and Queens of long ago times
All little Smurfs should be fast asleep
Cause you got a date in dream land to keep
The sand man will come to put sand in your eyes
I’m singing to you
The Smurf lullaby
Good night
Sleep Tight
Sweet Dreams till the morning
Good night
Good night
Good night”

Half way through I was interrupted by a loud whooshing noise. I was coming from above. I stared straight up, but my sight was limited my the trees high above. Still the noise continued. The wind got stronger, and the noise got louder. Soon even some of the trees didn’t stand a chance, they where blown away revealing a bluish belly of some flying thing. What the heck was Sagittarius! The huge animal landed ungracefully next to the spring, maneuvering the ground, and making four large ditches where it’s feet landed. Then it’s tail landed making another large hole. I stared wide eyed. What the heck was that thing?! I quickly untied my pack, and scampered through the pages of the book. I finally found the right page and read:
“These wonderful creatures roam the Earth far and wide. Some are pure evil, some neutral, and others trained for centuries for the hero. These wonderful creatures wondered from place to place using telepathy to talk to their masters. Some dragons where very lovingly towards their owners, while others barley coaperate. Dragons must be trained, or else they will grow up neutral, as gem thieves. Dragons can sense where their master is, as well as where other dragons are and were. They can be used for fighting, travel, hunting, shows, as well as simply being their as a friend.”

He looked at me with his huge green eyes. His eyes looked soft, but very content. He didn’t look at anything else but me, not even the giant sea monster making musical bubbles. His eyes where all different shades of green, and they looked very complex. I stared into them. My Grandma always said if you look into someone’s eyes you could see their future and past.
Soon the Nixie jumped off an unseen area of the Dragons back. She then said, “This is Sagittarius, and pardon my rude behavior before, I am Arrayah.”
I just stared. In a trance from those huge green eyes
They looked old, but so truthful from the blue around it. They looked so happy and soft from the angle of it. Without breaking eye contacted, I walked toward him. He held him palm out. I finally broke eye contact, and moved my view to the palm. It was a lighter shade of blue, with a dusty look from the ground. It had sharp claws but they moved to the side. I glanced back up at the dragon, and he looked back down at me. Again breaking the hold he had on me with his eyes, I slowly walked closer to the hand. I could feel myself getting more and more unsure. Each step I made a different noise, and with each step the dragon got more and more eager. Finally I stepped in front of the hand. I looked down at it without saying a word. It looked like my hand. Exactly like my hand… It had the line circling the thumb, then another line coming down and another making a M shape, then a small line above the M. I put my hand on his, but soon felt a pain… It felt so horrible, worse then anything I ever felt. Even the daggers that had been in my shoulders. It was like a thousand bee stings. A thousand dog bites, a thousand cat scratches, a million stabs, like nothing anyone could describe.
But I couldn’t move my hand…no… I wouldn’t. It stung like something was being ripped into my hand over and over. Finally I shrieked. Louder and louder but no one did anything. Arrayah just stared… Enapay stopped playing musical bubbles and raised his head, but not in alarm, as if he wanted to see what was happening. actroly, he looked amused. I glanced up at the Dragon, he seemed to be in the same pain. His face was all scrunched up, and a few tears streamed from his beautiful eyes.
I looked around me. I saw birds and animals. They looked like they also wanted to see. Wanted to see me, in pain? No… What was really happening to me. What? I saw unbelievable animals. Centaurs, Unicorns, Trolls, Fairies, Angels, Goals, even a few mermaids on their hands and fins, some jumped into Arrayah’s spring. They all seemed amused. Watching carefully. Even the trees watched!
I still was screaming. Non-stop. Finally before I even had a chance to relize it, the pain stopped and I fainted.


I awoke with a sudden jerk. I was exactly where I had fallen. Now it was night fall. This really startled me, and I sprung upward and hit my head on Sagittarius’s head which was carefully watching me sleep. He shook his head to shake the pain from the impact away. Then he looked into my eyes. Again I was stuck in his eyes. But this time it was different. This time I felt as if I was him. I felt as one.
I sighed and moved closer. Closer, closer, closer. When I accidentally stepped on his front paw, I stopped and he lifted it up. It had a “F” on it. It looked all scared up. So painful. It replaced all the other marks on his hand. It reminded me of the movie I rented from the video store named “Eragon”. It looked just as scared up.
Suddenly I remembered the stabbing pains from before. I lifted up my own hand. Mine had the same scars but a letter “S”. What was S and F suppose to mean…
When I came back to reality I saw that my book and pack was on Sagittarius, and his tail was aligned as if for me to climb up. It didn’t take me long to get the picture.

I looked at his tail, and walked over to it. It seemed like an eternity before I reached it. Finally I stopped walking, and without thinking I ran up his tail and plopped down on his back. Their already was a small saddle waiting for me. I stuck me feet in the small holes, and then grabbed his neck.
Without anytime wasted he started to flap his wings. They moved all the trees, and made large riples on the Spring. I saw Arrayah down in her spring and I wayved to her. She jumped out of her spring and with a flck of her oversized foot, she shot a small jar over to me. It was filled with glittering dust.
“It’s from Neptune himself! Be careful, and stay alive!” She shouted.
“Thank you! Take Care!” I shouted back quickly, but we where already too high in the air for her to hear me.

The site was beautiful. The rainbow from the mist was renewed by one of the mermaids over and over again as Arrayah flips, and Enapay stretches himself out a swerves around.
I stare at them until I can’t see them anymore, then suddenly I hear, “Finally that’s over, that little nixie doesn’t know anything about caring for a dragon. Why did they trust me to her! Well… I don’t expect you to know much, but I hope something…”
I nearly fell off Sagittarius, “Wha…What… Oh my god… Sag…Who..What…”
I looked around. Behind me, next to me, and even under Sagittarius.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 02:56pm

    dude you should do another bubble gum contest lol i have done one in my journal lol go to it and guess what my fav gum is lol you will get a mimzy lol

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